Vertical Grow Bag Planter:

Gardener's Revolution Planter:

So . . . . anyone can grow their own veggie garden at home and you don't need a yard to do it . . . . I love it.
I am wondering if you can bring these guys indoors in the winter, hang them in front of kitchen/dinette area windows, use a plant light for back-up, and grow your own garden veggies all year long?
UPDATE: The Vertical Grow Bag Planters shown above are now on back-order, so here is another link to a similar product.
To get the best performance from your hanging cherry tomato plant thingy, here are a few tips.
Hang the plant where it will get at least six hours of full sun.
Potting soil? Go Organic!!!
The role of healthy soil is usually ignored when growing in containers. A soil like Organic Mechanics® provides a ‘living’ soil product that will feed your plants without the drawbacks of using garden soil in your containers.
The proper fertilizer is another key to big juicy tomatoes.
If you use regular Miracle Grow, not only will you be poisoning yourself and the environment, but that fertilizer has way to much nitrogen. The result, big plant - no fruit.
A water soluble organic fertilizer, balanced for tomatoes
is an effective fertilizer that contains the specific nutrients needed for bountiful harvests of large, nutritious tomatoes. Yummy!
When watering, water early in the day. If you water late in the day keep the water off the foliage and fruit. This will reduce the chance of plant diseases.
Harvest your tomatoes when there is a little yellow left on the top. Holding off on the water a little before a major harvest will give you a tastier tomato.
Great tips Chris!
Do you know if these things can be brought indoors in the winter?
Will they continue to bear fruit, or veggies, if you use a plant light?
By the end of the growing season, most tomato plants look wasted. Cold night temps - bugs and diseases have taken it's toll.
If you do bring it in, cut it back severely, flood the s%#@ out of it to kill any bugs and put it in a south facing window.
At best you'll get a funny looking plant during the winter with almost no tomatoes - but ready for the late spring when it comes around.
At worst, any diseases & blood sucking bugs on it from the growing season will quickly spread to all living things & devour the entire contents of your house. :O
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