. . . . inside artist . . . .
"I wasn't clear with the owner/manager what we were doing, and he thought we were having a "party" and were going to film it" - in other words, make a porn movie.
"When I tried to explain what we were doing, and that it was an art video project, it probably sounded like a bad coverup, and he insisted repeatedly that he didn't care if we had sex in the room, so long as our friends waited outside - the more I tried to explain that sex wasn't involved at all, the more adamant he became saying, `I want you to have sex' and `NO! You can have sex in the room, a man and a woman, but just two at a time,'" she said.
Unable to convince him with bribes, Van Natta eventually moved the shoot to another motel with hot tubs and finished. "Being in the middle of it was true immersion. It was a psychedelic night for all."