Sunday, March 30, 2008

Great Art: Artwell Gallery in Torrington

March 29 - May 4, 2008

Artwell Gallery and Community Arts Center
19 Water Street
Torrington, CT

Gallery Hours: Thursday through Sunday, 12-5

Monday, March 24, 2008

Village Interviews: Max Keiser in Paris

Jason Howard, Max Keiser, and Dana Herbert in Paris
June/July 2007

Dear Friends:

I am pleased to present a program of an interview I did in Paris in the summer of 2007 with former Wall Street economist and inventor of the Hollywoood Stock Exchange, Max Keiser of Karmabanque, Al Jazeera and Resonance FM. Max is fast becoming a legend outside of the U.S. and in financial and political power circles here in the U.S. as a financial insurgent or "financial freedom fighter" as he likes to put it, through his analysis of the market via his sources on the inside and his adept studying of the financial papers.

In this program he discusses his views on how to approach and execute (as he and his friend Reverend Billy have done) targeted boycotts of multinational corporations...and how not to do so. He explains the role of his website in this regard.

You can also find out more about what he is doing here.

Here is an excellent 10-minute piece about the current banking crisis that aired on British TV this past weekend :

Although I do not agree with Max's perspective on every point, his way of combatting corporations is truly unique and his perspective on what the left and other folks must do to regain some control over the plutocrats is ignored at our peril.

My program can be viewed on any high-speed computer anywhere or on TV in Manhattan this Wednesday, March 26th at 7:30 PM (Daylight Savings Time), on my shoestring cable show Famousx2, on Channel 67 if you are in Manhattan and have access to Time Warner. On the RCN system, that should be Channel 85 or thereabouts these days.

If you are outside of Manhattan, anywhere in the world, and you have a decent
high-speed connection on your computer, you can go to and click on channel 67 to see it at the same time.

Sometimes MNN does screw up broadcasts, but usually it airs things without too many problems.....Be patient if it screws up for awhile.

Jason Howard

Sunday, March 23, 2008

People & Power: Savers vs. Speculators

Max Keiser looks at the ongoing financial crisis and asks whether the government and Central Bank remedies are penalising workers and savers:

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Great Art: Ceramics and Glass Show in Canton

Jim Brunelle's work hangs behind the band, Down Right Music:

Work by Barbara Katz:
Work by Kathy Pearson:
Work by Jim Brunelle:
Pia Sjolin and Julie Palmer:

Friday, March 14, 2008

Great Art: La Motta Fine Art Gallery

The opening tonight of La Motta Fine Art gallery in Hartford:
Inaugural exhibition featuring collage drawings by Hartford Stage scenic designer Jeff Cowie:
Artist Pia Sjolin and Gallery Owner Janice La Motta:
Artists Walter Kendra and Kathi Packer:
Other works at the gallery:

La Motta Fine Art
11 Whitney Street
Hartford, CT 06105

Health Care: Denying detainee medical treatment 'beyond cruel,' family can sue government

Judge: Denying detainee medical treatment 'beyond cruel,' family can sue government
The Associated Press
March 13, 2008

LOS ANGELES: The family of a now-deceased illegal immigrant who said he was denied medical care for cancer can sue the federal government for damages, a federal judge ruled, calling the allegations "beyond cruel and unusual" punishment.

Francisco Castaneda, a Salvadoran immigrant, was denied a biopsy for a painful lesion for 11 months, despite the recommendation of several doctors, according to government records cited by a judge.

He was later diagnosed with cancer and died Feb. 26 at age 36.


Read the full story here:

International Herald Tribune

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Consumer Activism: Better Watch Your Mouth


In the wake of a Midwestern woman being sickened by lead-tainted dental work that was outsourced to China, consumers are being asked to inquire about the origins of their crowns, veneers, bridges and dentures.

Millions of dental prostheses are being prescribed by dentists in the United States, but are made in labs in China, India, the Philippines, Mexico, Eastern Europe, Costa Rica and elsewhere. Many experts are concerned about the outsourcing because raw materials used abroad may not meet U.S. standards.

Foreign labs produce a substantial proportion of Americans' restorative appliances, and are supposed to follow rules, said Bennett Napier, co-executive director of the National Association of Dental Laboratories in Tallahassee. "The FDA regulates the raw materials used....[and] these labs have to register with the FDA and they are supposed to use FDA-approved materials. But the FDA is inspecting less than 1 percent of the restorations that are coming in from foreign dental laboratories," he said.

The new scare rekindles memories of lead-contaminated products from China last year.

Long Island dental lab owners Leslie and Terry Cloper say consumers should be concerned because "patients do not know where their lab work is being done. When you buy food or clothing there is a label requirement," she said. "But when you have something inserted in your mouth there isn't," Leslie Cloper said.


The American Dental Association encourages patients to discuss concerns about the safety of their dental crowns or other prosthetic devices with their dentists. The quality and the safety of dental materials you receive should matter most. Some questions you can discuss with your dentist:
  • Do you fashion your own crowns, bridges and other dental materials in the office or buy them from a dental lab?
  • Where is the dental lab located?
  • Does the lab outsource crowns or bridges to a foreign country?
  • What materials are being used in my restoration?
  • What other options do I have?
Chinese Dental Labs Turn Lead into Gold?:

As a dentist, it’s your job to make sure you can stand behind the safety of any restorations you do.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Great Art: Ceramics and Glass Show in Canton

March 14 - April 13, 2008
Canton Artists' Guild
The Gallery on the Green in Canton
Opening Reception: March 15, 2008, 6-9 p.m.

Ceramic Artists: Mary Barringer, Jim Brunelle, Jon Colton, Barbara Katz, Elizabeth MacDonald, Julie Palmer, Kathy Pearson, Katie Kaminski, Doug & Pam Peltzman

Glass Artists: Jan & John Gilmore, Peter Greenwood, Naomi Kravitz, Dennis Peabody, Robert Anthony, Ross Delano-Wadsworth, Sue Kravitz

"Three Twists Chandelier" by Peter Greenwood

The Gallery on the Green
is located on the Canton Town Green at the intersection of Route 44 and Dowd Avenue.

Gallery hours: Friday, Saturday and Sunday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.,
or by appointment: (860) 693-4102.

Faux Painting: AFTER: Hallway in Harlem, NYC

Off-white venetian plaster:

It's hard to see, but the walls look like glass now when you look down the sides.