Asbestos roofing professionals Going Green: Asbestos Removalby Alex Johnson
Asbestos is the only known cause of
mesothelioma, a particularly aggressive and deadly form of cancer. During World War II, the use of asbestos becomes a common insulator, used in shipbuilding, construction, and industrial projects. The material is lightweight and easy to handle. The manufacturers and some companies that know asbestos might be potentially hazardous, fail to inform the public, so property safety procedures can be implemented. Approximately three decades later, a new type of cancer is diagnosed. As the number of cases starts to multiply, the common factor in every patient is the exposure to asbestos.
Today, many older homes and commercial buildings do not comply with the current energy and safety standards. Renovation is necessary to bring the structure up to code. Older buildings need to be demolished. Going green and asbestos removal can be a costly and potentially dangerous undertaking.
Asbestos Removal RegulationsBecause asbestos is a hazardous material that is potentially harmful, if dust and particles are released into the environment, renovating, or even demolishing, a building with asbestos insulation must follow EPA and OSHA standards for safety. According to an article in, individual homeowners, contractors and special trained professionals in the removal of asbestos are required to meet the same safety standards, and hiring a professional may be necessary.
These are mostly set out as the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations (Refer to 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M). The work also must comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations delineated in 29 CFR 1926.1101. Of course those licensed asbestos-abatement contractors will be most familiar with the regulations, most experienced in meeting them, and most efficient in protecting you from liabilities and exposure to asbestos hazards.
Proper cleanup, after the project is completed, is also vital. Released into the environment and left to the elements, asbestos can also cause cancer via secondhand exposure.
Cost of Asbestos RemovalAsbestos removal depends on the volume of the hazardous material in the home. If asbestos is located in the ceiling, walls, floor, and around pipes, it can cost approximately $20,000 to completely rid the structure of asbestos.
Some asbestos certified contractors will charge based upon the size of the project. According to, “Complete removal in a 2,000 square foot home will usually be about $2,000 to $4,000 on average because the hazardous material can either be contained instead of removed, or will only be present in a few areas”.
For “Go Green” renovation projects, where asbestos insulation is a concern, hiring a contractor certified in the safe removal of this mesothelioma causing agent is the best option. Although it may cost several thousand dollars, it is a small price to pay for protecting the family against exposure to asbestos dust and fibers. Protect yourself and the environment.
by Alex Johnson
Thank you Alex!