Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Dental Causes of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (and Cancer)

Do you know what is hidden underneath your beautiful porcelain dental crowns?

If you are diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), it might be a good idea to get copies of all of your dental x-rays and a list of all of the metals used in your mouth. 

Occult or hidden dental malignancies (specifically bone lymphoma) caused by cheap carcinogenic dental metals used in cosmetic crowns and bridgework (i.e., nickel, beryllium, chromium), and chronic beryllium disease, may be causes of CFS.

How to avoid getting ripped off by the dentist"For a dentist who practices alone, there's usually no one looking over your shoulder. It's easy to take advantage of people. You're basically given a blank check."

The following is a true story. 

This is why I believe that CFS is not a "stealth virus" but a stealth malignancy caused by carcinogenic dental metals:


WARNING: Contains some disturbing and upsetting images. However, I feel that I must include these images in order to tell my story because none of the abnormalities that can be seen in these images are listed in any of my medical or dental records, or radiology reports, and without including these images, well . . . it might be hard for you to believe my story. 

It is also an extremely embarrassing story for me to tell . . . as any story of abuse and betrayal by someone you trusted is.  

But I am NOT going to let an abusive dentist shame me into silence, so here goes . . . 

I tell this story because I know there are so many people out there who can benefit from knowing exactly what is in their mouths. 


On March 2, 2000, I was solicited to the dental office of Theresa F. Keefe, DMD, (a.k.a. Dr. Tracey Keefe) because she wanted to pay for my decorative painting services in her house, which she owns with her husband, hematologist/oncologist and anatomical pathologist Zia Rahman, MD (St. Francis Hospital) by providing me with cosmetic dental care. 

Normally, I didn't like to barter as I was a single mother and needed cash to pay for rent and food, etc. I also had a dentist who I saw on a regular basis. However, I did want something to replace the missing teeth in my lower right mandible due to a recent extraction by my regular dentist, either a partial denture or some bridgework, and my dental insurance did not cover bridgework, so I agreed to barter with her for dental services. 

I was also excited about being given the opportunity to create a more beautiful home for Tracy and Zia, as they were my friends. (Or so I thought.)

However, it needs to be stressed that this was a business transaction initiated by Dr. Keefe. And she told me that as a medical professional, she had to do an initial exam (which included an oral cancer screening) and take x-rays to make sure that the bone and teeth were healthy prior to installing a permanent bridge in my mouth. 

So, during this first visit with her at her office, she took this x-ray of tooth #30 and the surrounding bone in my lower right mandible:

Now, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see that there is something kind of wrong with this picture. 

Unfortunately, Dr. Keefe never showed me this x-ray and never informed me that I had root tip resorption in tooth #30, or that the extraction site from tooth #28, which was pulled by my regular dentist seven months prior due to complete resorption of the root (caused by a metal pin in the tooth), had not yet healed, as shown in this photograph of my jawbone, also taken by Dr. Keefe and concealed from me for several years: 

A case of oral non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting following a tooth extraction is reported. The clinical presentation was that of a periodontal lesion and an extraction socket that failed to heal.
"Swelling, ulcer, or discomfort may be present in the region of the lymphoma, or it may mimic a periapical pathology or a benign condition." - Diffuse Large B-cell lymphoma of mandible: A case report. 

Dr. Keefe tricked me into obtaining this photo without my getting suspicious by telling me that she was inspired by my interior decorative painting portfolio to start taking "before and after photographs" of her cosmetic dental work and start her own portfolio. She then took this "before" photograph  . . . but curiously, never took an "after" photograph.

Dr. Keefe then lied at least THREE TIMES in my dental records by specifically writing that my oral cancer exam was "within normal limits", that my bone x-rays were "within normal limits" and that I had no root tip abnormalities:

Unfortunately, I did not have access to the above x-ray until October 25, 2002, when I asked Dr. Keefe for copies of all of my dental records with her, or to the above photograph until August 24, 2004, which I was only able to acquire through attorneys.

I believe that Dr. Keefe falsified my records in order to get $5000 worth of decorative painting services for her home. 

And for reasons far more nefarious . . .

Had she told me the truth on March 2, 2000, I would have NEVER allowed Dr. Keefe (who has post-graduate training in dental oncology and head and neck cancer, is a Clinical Professor of Dentistry at UConn Hospital, and studied dental oncology with Ellen Eisenberg, head of oral pathology at UConn Dental) to place an allergenic, toxic and carcinogenic nickel-beryllium-chromium metal post into tooth #30 and a cosmetic dental bridge over a potentially cancerous non-healing ulcer in my jawbone and cover it up so that no other dentist or doctor  could see it.

You would think that with all her post-graduate training in oral and head and neck oncology, she'd be the first person to recognize the signs of oral cancer, and the last person to sell you a carcinogenic nickel-beryllium-chromium bridge, right?

What was particularly evil about her concealing this ulcer in my jawbone is that:

"Primary bone lymphoma that has not spread to other areas of the body can be often cured. Using both chemo and radiation, 80-90% of individuals can achieve a cure." lymphoma.about.com

This is an x-ray she took during one of my cleanings with her, on December 2001, to check in and see how her bridgework was doing. I believe that she started scheduling me for regular cleanings in order to prevent me from going back to my regular dentist or to anyone else. 

Even though regular cleanings were covered by my dental insurance, which she did not take, I was happy to pay her $100 cleaning fee to support her business because we were friends (or so I thought):

Notice the osteosclerosis (the increased opacity seen in the radiograph, and seen in bone lymphoma) and the widening of the periodontal ligament space (the black shadow around the root of the tooth) next to where her custom-designed carcinogenic nickel-beryllium-chromium bridge cuts into my jawbone? 

Both signs of cancer

Also, the post in tooth #30 looks like it has caused the entire root to resorb now and the adjacent bone to turn black.

Beryllium can cause osteogenic sarcoma, and there was even a lump of reactive bone (reactive fibrosis is seen in bone lymphoma) that grew around Dr. Keefe's post and core. 

It can also cause berylliosis, an incurable lung disease, and a form of metal poisoning caused by the inhalation of beryllium dusts, vapors, or its compounds or implantation of the substance in the skin.:

"The onset of symptoms can range from weeks up to tens of years from the initial exposure. In some individuals a single exposure can cause berylliosis."
Health effects of beryllium

Beryllium is not an element that is crucial for humans; in fact it is one of the most toxic chemicals we know. It is a metal that can be very harmful when humans breathe it in, because it can damage the lungs and cause pneumonia.

The most commonly known effect of beryllium is called berylliosis, a dangerous and persistent lung disorder that can also damage other organs, such as the heart. In about 20% of all cases people die of this disease. Breathing in beryllium in the workplace is what causes berylliosis. People that have weakened immune systems are most susceptible to this disease.

Beryllium can also cause allergic reactions with people that are hypersensitive to this chemical. These reactions can be very heavy and they can even cause a person to be seriously ill, a condition known as Chronic Beryllium Disease (CBD). The symptoms are weakness, tiredness and breathing problems. Some people that suffer from CBD will develop anorexia and blueness of hands and feet. Sometimes people can even be in such a serious condition that CBD can cause their death.

Next to causing berylliosis and CBD, beryllium can also increase the chances of cancer development and DNA damage.

It makes me wonder if these Chronic Fatigue Syndrome "clusters" that epidemiologists find are composed of individuals who all use the same dentist. One who increases his profits by using cheap "economy" nickel-beryllium-chromium alloys. 

Also, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome became known in the 1980s and was called the "Yuppie Flu" back then. What did Yuppies do in the 80s? They had a lot of cosmetic dentistry done. 

I had most of my teeth crowned in the 80s by the time I was 23 years old. It was done at a corporate chain dental office in the West Farms Mall, and I have no idea what metals they used. 

Another source of beryllium exposure through dentistry is metal braces. So before you say, "Well I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome but have never had any cosmetic crowns or metal posts put in my mouth" ask yourself if you have ever had metals braces on your teeth. 

It only takes a minute amount of beryllium to cause serious health effects in someone with a genetic disposition and sensitivity to beryllium. 

Beryllium is also listed as 1 of 4 possible causes of reticulum cell sarcoma (bone lymphoma) on ToxNet:

NICKEL causes bone lymphoma, aka reticulum cell sarcoma, aka histiocytic lymphoma, a lymphoma of the connective tissue, and I was diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder (positive ANA titer, 1:640, speckled) soon after this bridge was installed. 
Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms in Metal Carcinogenesis and Cocarcinogenesis: Nickel, Arsenic and Chromium
Metallic Implant-Associated Lymphoma
Increases in sarcoma and lymphomas with bone involvement due to metallic implants containing high levels of nickel.  
Metals (nickel, chromium) as a risk factor for lymphoma.  (Lymphomation.org)
Heavy metal (monoclonal) bands: A link between cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and contact allergy to potassium dichromate, nickel and cobalt?

BERYLLIUM also has toxic effects on the hypothalamus and on calcium and bone metabolism, and after the installation of her crowns and bridgework, I began to have multiple endocrine problems, including elevated ionized calcium levels. 
There is evidence cited by the EPA that beryllium may cause cancer when an individual is regularly exposed during his/her lifetime above the EPA defined exposure limits. In addition, the New Jersey Department of Health states that beryllium can cause lung and bone cancer in humans and has definitely been shown to cause these cancers in laboratory animals.

On July 24, 2002, I visited Dr. Keefe at her office to complain of pain and swelling underneath the bridge and increased symptoms of fatigue. I was very concerned that the bridge might be causing me bone cancer, as there were little lumps of bone growing around the bottom of the crowns. 

She told me that she could not see any swelling, that bone growth was a good thing, and encouraged me to look for other causes of my fatigue. She also encouraged me to leave the bridge in because "it looks so good." And she advised me to take ibuprofen for the pain, telling me that I would just need to learn to live with it.

On August 23, 2002, in another attempt to get her to help me, I emailed this letter to her:

"Recent studies have identified low levels of C3 and C4 as markers of unfavorable outcome, such as lymphoma, severe disease magnifiestations and premature death." - The Complement System in System Autoimmune Disease

And I also emailed this to she and Zia, hoping they could both help me figure out why my jawbone was swelling up and why I felt so fatigued, and did it have anything to do with the mercury fillings they found lodged in my appendix that summer?:

Please note that she also stated in her original examination record that my attitude was good and all of my doctors have always stated that I had a very pleasant personality and things of that nature. 

I have always greatly admired the medical profession and always been a huge lover of science. I was never a difficult patient and you can see my attempts above to work with her as a partner in my dental care. 

And in my email to her, I was very sensitive and empathetic towards her with respect towards any feelings she might have had for having hurt me, unintentionally of course. (Or so I thought.)

So she agreed to meet me at her office on September 2, 2002 to discuss, as long as I did not bring my new husband, whom she was afraid of for some reason, and then, to my complete surprise . . . she very coldly refused to remove these allergens and carcinogens from my mouth unless I paid her another $3500 for a replacement bridge. 

She told me to stop reading things posted by all of those "whackos on the internet" who think that nickel and mercury are toxic and that their dental metals are making them sick. 

She assured me that she was my friend, and that she would never do anything to hurt me. 

When I asked her why I was having so many horrible symptoms, she curtly replied "I don't know. Maybe you are just a sickly girl . . . "


On September 17, 2002, I sent to the following complaint to the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health:

On November 2, 2002, I emailed the following to Noel Bishop at the Connecticut State Dental Association:

He never responded.

I went to UConn Toxicology on December 9, 2002, and asked them if to run a mercury fox screen for me, and they assured me that they were not aware of any dental metals that could cause symptoms of fatigue, decreased level of activity, a feeling of heaviness, back pain or malaise:

After repeated requests for the MSDS for the metals she placed in my mouth, she finally sent me a letter in February informing me that the alloy she used to fabricate my bridge and post and core was called Unitbond, along with a copy of the MSDS.

I then called Jensen Industries, the manufacturer of Unitbond, and they told me that Unitbond was contraindicated for use in posts and cores.

Why? Because the MSDS for the 78% nickel with beryllium alloy (Unitbond) used in my mouth by Dr. Keefe warned that it was toxic and caused tumors and fatigue. It should not be used in the jawbone or even touch the bone when it is under crowns. And you can see in Dr. Keefe's follow-up x-ray above that the alloy cuts into the bone underneath the bridge.

This was the technical detail and warning posted on Jensen Industries website regarding Unitbond:

And here are portions of the MSDS for Unitbond:

According to the Learned Intermediary Doctrine, health care practitioners are bound by law to pass along manufacturer warnings to patients. 

Dr. Keefe never passed along any of these warnings to me. 

Unitbond was removed from the market shortly after my phone call to Jensen Industries.


At least she can't use this alloy anymore and hurt other people. 

This was my response to her letter dated February 2, 2003:


On February 10, 2003, I received this Investigative Report from the DPH regarding my September 17, 2002 complaint:

This was Dr. Keefe's response:

She states that in 2001 I had never mentioned any problems with the dental work, but that was not true. I obtained this affidavit in 2004:

This was peer reviewer Jospeh DiNardo, DMD's response: 

Notice he mentions hypercalcemia, which is seen in bone lymphoma, and fails to even address the "bone inflammation + jaw pain" I mentioned and highlighted above in my original complaint. 

I then obtained this letter from my allergist, because she told me that I needed a medical reason to remove the carcinogenic metals from my mouth: 

"Heavy metals, such as iron, chromium and nickel, are the main constituents of foreign bodies found in cells. Occupational or incidental heavy exposure to many chemicals, including benzene, pesticides, ethylene oxide and metals (mercury, cadmium, chrome, cobalt, lead, aluminum) is very dangerous for the hematopoietic system. Mercury and chromium cause immunosuppression and evoke autoimmune reactions." ~ Intracellular heavy metal nanoparticle storage: progressive accumulation within lymph nodes with transformation from chronic inflammation to malignancy.
 Allergy related to dental implant and its clinical significance.

I also tested allergic to nickel, chromium, mercury, aluminum, and beryllium and other metals, but not gold and other high noble metals, by MELISA lymphocyte proliferation testing.

Still, after obtaining this letter from my allergist and another request to remove the bridge and post and core, Dr. Keefe refused. 

When I mentioned that Unitbond was contraindicated for use in post and cores, she very coldly replied "But it is not illegal . . . "

She then told me that I would never be able to prove that dental metals cause CFS or cancer, that no oral surgeon will ever biopsy my jawbone, and that I will never be able to prove I have cancer, implying that there was nothing in my jawbone to biopsy, there was nothing there . . . that I was just crazy. 

And it did make me think I was crazy. 

She also told me that no dentist will remove the bridge without my purchasing a replacement bridge, because I can't walk around with a big whole in my mouth. In other words, I would have to pay someone $3500 to remove and replace the bridge. 

Well, it wasn't going to be her because now I didn't trust her. 

So I filed a suit in small claims court to get my money back for the bridge, so that I could have another dentist replace it and to assert my rights as a dental consumer

Also, I did not want to be a guinea pig for dental carcinogens all for the sake of unnecessary cosmetic dental work.

However, she then had her attorneys motion it over to the regular docket.

SMALL CLAIMS LAWSUIT transferred to regular docket by Dr. Keefe: Click here to see how difficult it is to get the carcinogens she places back out of your mouth.

Basically, in order to save herself $325 (mark-up on economy-alloy bridgework is 10-fold), after I already provided her a total of $5000 in decorative painting services (for a 4-unit bridge and two crowns, which also caused swelling in my jawbone, but the limit in small claims court was $3500 at this time), and just replace the bridge that I did not want in my mouth, she decided to try to turn this whole ordeal into a medical malpractice case and make it a fight to the death to get that toxic nickel bridge and post out. 

I honestly did not know at the time that medical malpractice cases are considered a fight to the death, but I would quickly find out.

I called her attorneys and asked them to please settle this out of court for $3265, so that I could get the bridge out, get a replacement bridge and just move on with my life. 

I thought they'd understand and be nice and just settle. 

Seriously, this is nonsense, forcing a cosmetic dentistry consumer to have to PROVE that they have cancer or that the carcinogenic alloys used in their mouths without their informed consent are causing cancer before a dentist will remove said carcinogens. 

But they refused. 

And then I thought, "Okay, well, maybe she and her lawyers think I deserve more . . ." 

After all, lawyers are supposed to be about justice, right? 

They will settle once I get the Complaint conformed, I thought, for more. 

To be fair.

She is insured after all. 

Maybe she wants me to get more, because she feels guilty about the pain and suffering she caused me.

(I would later learn that they transferred it and tried to turn it into a medical malpractice case because they knew I was not going to get any experts).

So I talked with a few attorneys and one of them advised me that as a Breach of Contract claim, I had a duty to mitigate damages. This meant, getting the bridge out at my own expense and finding out what was underneath the bridge and getting it treated. 

Another one (Atty. Jim Wing) helped me get the requisite expert opinion I would need to proceed in civil court:

Dr. Breiner had also told me, on the phone, in a previous discussion with him about a month earlier, that the tooth that Dr. Keefe placed the toxic metal post into was no good (I had sent him copies of her x-rays). He also advised me to get to an oral surgeon immediately.

However, shortly after we got this expert affidavit, this attorney called me and told me that his office was broken into and many boxes of legal records were stolen (but not mine), which really spooked him.

He said he thought this was just going to be a fun little nickel allergy case, but it was not and that he would not be able to help me with my case at this time. 

But he did instruct me on how to file the expert affidavit with the court, which I did.

He also told me to read Dr. Breiner's expert opinion very carefully . . . "all the other metals (i.e., beryllium, chromium), evidently exceeded her threshold for toxins . . . " 

That sounds like cancer to me.

Wikipedia's List of IARC Group I carcinogens includes beryllium, chromium and nickel.

Another attorney (Atty. Tim Brignole) helped me conform my Complaint to the civil docket. I happened to be painting a new bathroom addition off the master bedroom in his home, and on the day I finished the job, which was also the day before the revised Complaint was due in civil court, he told me that he wanted more veining in the marble. 

So I agreed to provide him with three more days spent on veining in exchange for conforming the Complaint for me. He was able to do so by talking into a dictation device, in about 15 minutes. I was impressed. His office faxed over the Complaint to Hartford Superior Court within an hour of closing the next day.

It was conformed as a Breach of Contract claim for failing to put a bridge in my mouth that would be in a good and safe condition for use in my mouth and not cause adverse health affects. 

The bridge was also cracked and broken and had a loose post and core the entire time it was in my mouth.

It was also a Failure to Obtain Informed Consent claim for not properly disclosing all the contents of the procedure (nickel, beryllium, a bad tooth, bone lesions and then, as I would discover  later, an ulcer that was concealed by the bridge) and not informing me of the risks involved in undergoing the procedure, including the risk of death.

Because the name of his law firm (Brignole & Bush) was on the fax stamp on the top of the Complaint, Dr. Keefe's attorney's must have figured out who it was that helped me conform the Complaint, because he came home the next day while I was painting, looking a little horrified, and told me that "it was an accident, she didn't mean to do it."

Oh, okay. 

She "accidentally" put a contraindicated and carcinogenic alloy into a tooth that was no good and over a jawbone lesion that she didn't tell me about.

Did he really think the jury was going to believe that it was an "accident?"

I asked him if he knew Dr. Keefe.

"Never saw her before in my life," he replied.

Well, you should go meet her. Talk to her. At her home, not her office where she puts on a very different face. Ask her what she thinks of cancer patients and what she thinks causes cancer. Ask her what kind of families she thinks children with leukemia come from . . . 

Ask her about her sister, whom she calls "Crazy Mary" and yells at all the time at home. 

Go talk to her, and then tell me if you would let your wife or children go to her. 

He then told me that I also had a lawsuit against UConn. 

"Why? What did they do?"

They have no control over what a dentist puts in my mouth. A dental device is a prescription device that must be prescribed by a dentist. And dentists never share the contents of these prescriptions devices or our dental records with our doctors. 

On discovery, he said.

What did he mean by "on discovery"? 

Did she talk to my PCP there, whom I had listed as my doctor in her records? When I obtained copies of all of my records from UConn, there was no mention of his having any conversations with her in any of his records.

But his records also contained multiple "history-taking" errors where he grossly misinterpreted much of what I told him and did not write down other things that I told him (such as that Dr. Keefe had treated me), so his records were not very reliable anyhow when it comes to conversations.  

However, that this attorney came home and said "it was an accident, she didn't mean to do it," and the tone in his voice when he said it, was this first indication I had that Dr. Keefe had indeed done something really bad to me, and it wasn't just my imagination that her dental treatments were making me sick.

And that it wasn't an "accident."

"You are still going need experts," he told me. 

Plaintiff has the Burden of Proof. 

Then I will call Dr. Keefe and all of my treating physicians at UConn as my expert witnesses. 

Besides, if it truly was an "accident", then her attorneys will want to settle this case right away, so that I can get treatment.

And I was very willing to settle quickly and get treatment.

I was very ill. 


Getting the bridge out ended up being the easy part, as once I learned that the tooth was no good, I gave up on wanting a replacement bridge and simply had the bridge and tooth removed.

However, getting an oral surgeon, doctor or radiologist to tell me what was underneath the bridge and help me mitigate damages would prove to be the hard part.

Really hard.

For the next few years, I could not even get an appointment with most local oral surgeons, they refused to see me for "legal reasons."

And the ones that did see me, and took my money, and told me that they could not see any lesions in my jawbone. 

I asked some of them to help me prove that nickel-beryllium alloys can cause cancer in the jawbone, to help other people. 

And they'd say "Well, it's not going to be me. I don't want to be the one to prove that dental metals cause cancer!" 

Or took my money and tried to sell me $30,000 treatment plans, including implants into the jawbone, right into the lytic lesions.

I even made an appointment in Boston, MA, and was turned away when I arrived. The oral surgeon said that he could not see me, even after driving all that way.

I was completely unaware at the time that there were highly unethical internet sites such as "Doctor's Know Us" (started by a group of US radiologists).

"It claimed it was "plaintiff information for doctors" and the point was to alert doctors about patients who filed lawsuits, so those doctors could avoid them." 
Have You Been Blacklisted, Blackballed or Denied Medical Care?


So now, despite my pleasant personality and good attitude, I had become a difficult patient, and blacklisted by oral surgeons, simply because I wanted to know what was underneath that bridge and wanted a diagnosis and treatment. 

Wouldn't you want to know??

One attorney told me that they were just going to drag this case out as long as they could.

I guess they were expecting I'd be dead before the case reached trial. 

It became very clear that Dr. Keefe was extremely powerful and well-connected. She had dental, oncology and pathology connections that would make sure that my jawbone was never biopsied. 

Plus, her attorneys would be paid more the longer they dragged this out. 

They filed an excessive amount of motions and interrogatory questions, took four-day long depositions, and ordered me to be evaluated psychiatrically, during the five years that the case was in litigation. 

One attorney told me that Dr. Keefe's attorneys easily made $100,00 - $200,000 defending her. 


Immediately after filing my conformed Complaint, Dr. Keefe requested a jury trial. All malpractice cases filed in court are heard by a judge, unless one of the parties requests a jury trial. 

She knew that judges are very intelligent and cannot be manipulated the way a lay jury can. 

Plus, a judge, knowing that she falsified my dental records, would have decided the case in my favor. 

Which is also why she transferred my small claims court case to the regular docket. 

It was also another way to drag this case out as long as possible.


In June of 2003, I got the bridge removed. 

When my regular dentist, Dr. Marolda pulled it, he told me that the post and core in #27 was loose, as it was still attached to the bridge when it came out. 

He said, "maybe that's why you've been so sick. A loose post and core is a medical emergency."

And after repeated failed attempts to have an oral surgeon look at my jawbone, and because my PCP could not figure out what was wrong with me even though I felt like I was dying, I drove myself to the ER at Charlotte Hungerford Hospital.

And then again a month later.

This time, I brought all of my MRI scans from UConn and St. Francis Hospital with me. 

And explained that Dr. Keefe had put nickel in my jawbone, and it had made me very sick. 

Could I please get a biopsy of my jawbone?

Avram Berger, DSS was their hospital oral surgeon.

Then I sat there for what felt like an hour, while they called my doctors to discuss. That's what they do when you go to the ER, they call your doctors.

After talking to my doctors, the ER doctor (Dr. Brian Baxt) came in, looking a little resigned and told me, "Well, your doctors are really messing with your head . . . " 

The next thing I know, three security officers come in and put me in a wheelchair and bring me up to the Psych Ward.

My banker was there with her husband who was sick and she looked at me with an expression that asked "Dana, what is going on?"

I just rolled my eyes and shrugged. It was very humiliating. 

They took me up to the 7th floor in the elevator, wheeled me into the psych ward and the two big doors locked behind us with a loud bang.

Diagnosis: Delusional Disorder

Very pleasant girl and very normal except for this one delusional belief.And yes, I felt like I had no control over my life because a dentist is allowed to put a permanent prescription carcinogen into your mouth without your informed consent and you can't make them take it back out.

Allergic to celery?

"Is patient a vegetarian?" 

Ordered to go back to UConn for anti-psychotic meds!

So . . . even though I had a two-year history of multiple blood work and endocrine abnormalities, including hypercalcemia (seen in bone lymphoma) and an elevated ANA titer (seen in bone lymphoma), they were trying to tell me that I wasn't really sick at all. 

That it was all in my head

An obvious and thoroughly disgusting attempt to discredit me during trial. 

The intake nurse asked me all kinds of questions and then said "Well, you answered all the questions right, and you are very coherent. You don't seem to be psychotic. Do you know why you were sent here?"

No. Why?

"Because you have a thought disorder. You think nickel is toxic."

Isn't it?

"Nickel is an essential element. Do you realize how bizarre it sounds when you come into the ER and tell the doctors that the nickel in your jawbone is making you sick?"

Straight out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. 

I wished I had a film camera on me. 

Then . . . they forced me to take Risperdal while I was there, which made me foam at the mouth, and forced me out of bed at 7:00 am every morning, something that was very painful for me, and then . . . I was ordered to go back to UConn and continue these anti-psychotic meds when I was released.


On August 21, 2003, I got the tooth removed:

UConn actually wanted me to try an endo retreat first, on a tooth that was pretty much completely resorbed.


This is a photo of the bridge that Dr. Keefe installed in my mouth:

It had a loose stainless steel post and core still attached, which means the bridge was broken the entire time it was in my mouth. I believe that this loose post and core was causing my respiratory problems, because that orange stuff under the core was leaking out into my mouth the whole time the bridge was in. 

Either that, or it is berylliosis, because I do also have a lung granuloma that was first appeared in 2002.

The 78% nickel with beryllium post and core installed by Dr. Keefe is on the right, and it is nasty looking.:

Removed June 5, 2003

I was charged $265 for that toxic lump of metal. 

This is what my jawbone looked like after the removal of Dr. Keefe's bridge and tooth #30.
Notice the two dark spots from toxic nickel and beryllium leaching out due to root resorption.

Tooth resorption can be caused by aggressive tumors:

Photo taken October 2003

Next, I had surgery to remove my mandibular torii to make a lower denture.

This is what my jawbone looked like in January 2004 after oral surgeon Avram Berger, DDS, removed my mandibular torii and sewed up the extraction site that failed to heal. There was thickening in the bone torus, which was removed but never properly biopsied. The mucosa is white and inflamed. There was no infection in my jawbone because I was never prescribed antibiotics by Dr. Berger. Dr. Berger assured me that this was what the normal healing process looked like after minor oral surgery. 

Lymphoma of bone is a gray (some sites say creamy)-white fish-flesh like tumor that diffusely infiltrates the bone:

Photo taken January 16, 2004

Gross description of primary bone lymphoma:

This was the swelling in my jawbone and glands after the same very minor surgery:

Photo taken January 16, 2004

Dr. Berger (who I later found out is a very long-time friend of Dr. Keefe's) then called my new PCP to tell her that I was delusional and that there was nothing in my jawbone. (He didn't know I had taken the above photographs):

When I called his office and asked him to please biopsy the jawbone, that I think it is bone lymphoma, and that bone lymphoma is curable. He yelled "Stop trying to micromanage my business!" and hung up the phone on me.

Bone lymphoma in mandible/maxilla very good prognosis +/- cure.

Greyish-white fish flesh tissue infiltrating bone.

I could not understand why Dr. Berger, who was in his 60s at the time, would just willfully sit back and watch a young woman in her 30s, with two young children, suffer like this. I would then later discover, through access to LexisNexis, that Dr. Avram Berger was sued a few years earlier by the two adult surviving children of a 50 year old Torrington woman who had died because he had failed to diagnose an oral cancer in her. So clearly, this is not the oral surgeon you want to go to if you think you may have an oral cancer. 

Panorex, April 2004:
Lytic lesion in lower right mandible, sclerotic mass below her nickel-beryllium crowns on teeth 21 & 22, particularly tooth 22.

Occlusal x-ray of the bone underneath Dr. Keefe's work, April 2004:

X-ray of lower right mandible, April 2004, showing a moth-eaten permeative bone lesion, which is what bone lymphoma looks like on x-ray:

The above panorex and x-rays were taken at St. Raphael's Hospital in New Haven. They too refused to biopsy the jawbone, but did give me these copies and then sent me on my way with a "God Bless."


Here are some of my interrogatory responses in my lawsuit against Dr. Keefe:

THIS is one of the rings that I saw mentioned directly above:

And THIS is Dr. Thomas Manger's report. He doesn't have access to the MRI films? Of course he does, they were in the radiology department across the street from his office. That is where I was able to access them to post the picture above. 

If the MRI technician had never allowed me to look at the MRI scan, I don't think Dr. Manger would have ever told me there was something there. 

He writes "Apparently she has been diagnosed with narcolepsy..."

I guess he was never cc'd: 

The MRI was ordered by Dr. Metersky, not Dr. Manger, because Dr. Manger doesn't do anything for his patients, as you can tell by his report above. 

In hindsight, I think he knew exactly what it was and was covering for Dr. Keefe, and perhaps even himself for being so negligent in my care, as I listed him as my PCP in Dr. Keefe's Patient Registration and Medical History Form:

I even told him that I had a panorex taken by my previous dentist in December 1999 and a full-mouth set of x-rays taken by Dr. Keefe in March 2000, but he failed to mention the x-rays taken by Dr. Keefe in his report above.

And when I went to pick up the MRI slides, there were only three slides in the jacket, not six, as I had seen on the neuro-oncologist's light box:

The images showing a cyst in the lower RIGHT mandible (which I thought was maybe a blood vessel, as I had read that blood is bright on MRI) were missing.

At the time though, unfortunately, I did believe it was just an "artifact" because I completely trusted Dr. Keefe. 

I considered her to be a friend. Our children went to school together and we often went to Cub Scouts meetings together. We even painted our Pinewood Derby cars together at her house. 

Well, I hope you like the living room, dining room and 2-story foyer I painted for you Dr. Keefe.

I worked really hard to make your home more beautiful and used only non-toxic materials.

I even found a big hole in one of your walls, behind a door, that you didn't even know was there, and fixed it for you. 

You never even thanked me.

Had you not been happy with any of my work, I would have painted it over, for free

And if I had accidentally spilled paint all over your carpet, I would have called my insurance company immediately and had them pay for the damages. 

Here are some before and after photos of the dining room:


As you can see, I made and brought over many sample boards and gave her numerous choices. 

She chose a translucent metallic platinum.



I now know that that was a ring-enchancing lesion. 

That is what lymphoma looks like on MRI.

But when I told Dr. Manger  that my symptoms felt like I had lymphoma, and asked him if there was any chance the "artifact" could be cancer, he said "if it is cancer, it will make itself known."

What the heck was that supposed to mean? That it will grow big? That early diagnosis of cancer is not possible with modern radiology? That it is not possible to detect smaller occult cancers with modern radiology? That if it is cancer, I will know because I will die?  

Besides, bone lymphoma never "makes itself known." It is a destructive bone cancer, not an expansile bone cancer. 

After two years of begging him to help me figure out the cause of CFS, not just for me, but for other people suffering as well, and having a difficult time getting him to run more tests . . .

. . . he eventually finally suggested I look into functional medicine, a form of medicine that addresses the underlying causes of disease, including genetics

That suggestion, along with that bright ring around my jawbone, which I thought at the time was a blood vessel or metal artifact, lead me to start researching the affects of dental metals.

"A nearly five-fold significant increase in risk of narcolepsy was observed for jobs with exposure to heavy metals such as lead, mercury or arsenic, with a significant trend according to severity of illness from exposure." Environmental toxins and risk of narcolepsy among people with HLA DQB1*0602

And when I switched PCPs after feeling like I was not getting much help at UConn, other than being told to look into functional medicine, but their not helping me figure out what the underlying causes of "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" were and leaving all of the research to me, despite their supposedly being a "research hospital", this was the letter my neuro-oncologist wrote to my new PCP:

Dr. Koff simply suggested I take lots of vitamin C and get "better insurance." 

I switched PCPs several times after this and they would just say "I don't know anything about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome."


And speaking of underlying causes of disease, nickel is also linked to breast cancer, another cancer that Dr. Keefe's husband treats:

The role of cadmium and nickel in estrogen receptor signaling and breast cancer: metalloestrogens or not?

And the State of Connecticut has the highest per capita rate of breast cancer in the nation.

I also had a mammogram done in 2003, two years after the installation of her 78% nickel post into my right mandible, that showed calcifications in my right breast ("probably benign" the radiology report stated).  


Here is an x-ray of my jawbone taken nine months prior to seeing Dr. Keefe, on 6/19/1999. 

There was a lytic lesion with root resorption around an old nickel (and beryllium?) post in my teeth (tooth #28, the first mandibular molar) from a bridge that was placed there in 1990, about ten years earlier, by a cheap dentist on Wilshire Blvd. in Los Angeles:

While she never did ask who my regular dentist (from 1997 - 2000) was or ask to see his x-rays, she did have access to my entire dental history at UConn, which means she should have been able to see that I presented to UConn Dental Clinics with pain in tooth #28 on April 4, 1996. 

They took three x-rays of the tooth, and the root was not resorbed then. It did not require additional endodontic treatment. Perhaps the pain was just the start of the above lesion. 

It also means that Dr. Keefe should have known that the bone lesion surrounding tooth #28 in the x-ray that she took was an early cancerous lesion. 

It also shows that I did go to UConn dental clinics on November 6, 2002, after being referred to them by Dr. Keefe to fix her mistake (because she doesn't work for free), for a full mouth series of x-rays and they did not disclose to me that there was anything underneath the bridge that Dr. Keefe had placed. 

First, they told me that she could not have used nickel under the bridge and crowns because dentists stopped using "that stuff" twenty years ago.

Then, they told me that all they use is stainless steel, which contained some nickel (8-18%), so they could not help me.

When I discovered in February 2003 that she used Unitbond, which was 78% nickel, I filed the small claims court case. 

Here are notes from my Sleep Medicine doctor shortly before I visited UConn on November 6, 2002:

The problem with traveling out of State was that I was only insured in State and I was too sick to travel far. Heck, I could barely make it to my local doctors appointments.

Why can't I be able to trust my own local doctors and dentists?


While Dr. Breiner was an ethical holistic or biological dentist in my opinion, I had an experience with another holistic dentist from 2006 - 2008, who was not so ethical.

This experience was an attempt by me to obtain a biopsy of my lower right mandible, because no local oral surgeon would biopsy my jawbone, to confirm my own suspicions of bone lymphoma and obtain real evidence-based medical treatment.

I also wanted biopsies of the maxilla because I was concerned about what I thought looked like a lytic bone lesion under a 4-unit bridge I had up there that had decayed metal underneath it. 

If Dr. Keefe is the ultimate Dental Bully (and she is), Dr. Leonard Kundel is the ultimate Dental Charmer: 

Dentists to Avoid – Dental Bullies & Charmers

I just recently (2015) found this online . . .

I had complained to the Department of Public Health many years ago, and they never told me the outcome of the case.

But I was notified of this when I read a recent review on Yelp.com about Dr. Kundel.

I am the D.H. mentioned in the above case. Dr. Kundel deliberately misdiagnosed lesions in my jawbone as "osteomyelitis" and "benign cysts" in order to defraud me.

He was even told that I had reticulum cell sarcoma and lymphoma by my PCP at the time - diagnosed radiographically, but in need of a biopsy for treatment - and still insisted that these were "benign cysts" that should be surgically removed for $1700 each. 

When he informed me that he would be doing biopsies of the bone, I went ahead with the extractions because I needed a biopsy confirming bone lymphoma in order to get medical treatment:

specifically instructed him not to decalcify the biopsy samples, as bone lymphoma biopsy samples cannot be decalcified. But he completely ignored my instructions and decalcified all bone biopsies in the maxilla and one biopsy in the mandible, despite paying him $17,500.00 to help me. 

He also told me that the lesions in my mandible (at tooth #28 and tooth #30) were benign cysts and wanted $3400 to remove them both. 

But this time I asked for a biopsy first, again asking him not to decalcify them or submit in formalin:

And here is his biopsy report for the mandible:

Once again, he decalcified the biopsy sample. And he also took the biopsy from the wrong area, as he took it from he premolar area (tooth #29), which is the white area in this x-ray of my mandible (indicating healthy bone):

Bone scan January 18, 2006, one year before Dr. Kundel's tooth extractions shows increased uptake where my headaches were, and increased uptake in maxilla and lower right mandible:

After having a bone scan done at Stamford Hospital in 2007, about 10 months after Dr. Kundel's extractions showed no changes in bone scan . . .

There were also hot spots in the maxilla and mandible. It looked identical to the 2006 bone scan.

I later showed the above report to Dr. Kundel and wrote him this email:

Having a biopsy that showed lymphoma would have gotten me the real medical treatment I was looking for.

Malignant lymphoma of the mandible and maxillary region:

"There is commonly a prolonged delay in arriving at the correct diagnosis. In spite of this delay, an appreciable number of patients were saved by appropriate therapy."

Even a very popular alternative cancer cure site says:

Note:While this website rarely says anything favorable about chemotherapy and orthodox cancer treatments, to be fair to orthodox medicine, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma is one of the extremely rare types of cancer which does respond fairly well to orthodox treatments.

On Fri, Jan 19, 2007 at 7:02 PM, Leonard Kundel wrote:

forget about those people. they live in a direfent reality, operate within diferent paradigm. you cant change them nor do you need to. just let them be.

On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 10:47 AM, Leonard Kundel wrote:

i am only working on myself.

On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 8:22 AM, Leonard Kundel wrote:

notion of changing the world, to me, is naive.

He told me that he bought a Harley Davidson with the money he made off of me, and then left me for dead. 

But not before sending me a promotional video for his dental practice and then this email:

On Sat, Jun 7, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Leonard Kundel wrote: 
oh shit! i just sent you a video of a patient that i made a good denture for.
i hope you dont take it personally. LOLOLOLOL

www.StamfordDentist.com 203-487-6020 

Told you he's a charmer. 

Affidavit by witness that Dr. Kundel assured me that lesion was not cancerous.

Only much later did I realize that holistic dentists who perform jawbone surgeries send all of their biopsies to Jerry Bouquot, an out-of-state pathologist, to confirm their "benign" lesions and "osteomyelitis" diagnoses in order to justify their exorbitant fees, and that because he is an out-of-state pathologist, Dr. Bouquot is not allowed to diagnose cancer in Connecticut dental patients. 

Dr. Kundel would not admit to any wrongdoing in the Connecticut case against him, because there is no criminal statute in Connecticut for falsifying medical or dental records in Connecticut. 

He did admit to wrongdoing in New York, because in New York, there is a criminal statute against falsifying records. Which is probably why he moved his practice from New York to Connecticut in the first place.

He was going to be my dental expert in my case against Dr. Keefe, but then when I applied for litigation funding to hire a trial attorney the funding company called me back and told me that he had defrauded me, so they would not fund litigation if I was going to use him as an expert.

I told them I'd get a new expert.

Then they told me that I was defrauded by Dr. Keefe too. 

They said "They both defrauded you. We can't fund the trial. Sorry."

So, obviously Dr. Kundel was colluding with Dr. Keefe to obstruct justice in my case. 

Norm Pattis was going to try the case. 

See a great article by him here: Physician Defend Thyself? Lawyers Have More Nobility


As we got close to trial, my new dental expert (Dr. Robert Kulacz) called me to tell me that he had just received a call from Dr. Keefe's attorney informing him that they were going to put me up on the stand and make the jury think  was crazy.

I had recently been sent a notice by the defense attorneys that I was to be sent to their psychiatrist for an independent psychiatric evaluation. Because I had spent the last five years trying to get a biopsy of the jawbone and no oral surgeon would biopsy it, and the last time I saw a psychiatrist was when I was thrown into the Psych Ward after attempting to get a biopsy in the Emergency Room, I requested that the psychiatrist arrange for a biopsy of my jawbone:

And this was their response:

At this point it becomes unclear now whether Dr. Keefe is now paying for her own defense. Read #9 from her insurance policy:

BUT . . . she spent all that money having me evaluated by a psychiatrist, who found nothing wrong with me, when she could have just helped me get a biopsy in 2000. 

And I realized then that she had "gaslighting" me all along:
Sociopaths frequently use gaslighting tactics. Sociopaths consistently transgress social mores, break laws, and exploit others, but typically, are also charming and convincing liars who consistently deny wrongdoing. Thus, some who have been victimized by sociopaths may doubt their perceptions.

Dr. Keefe then deposed my treating psychologist after he filed this affidavit and he was very seriously warned prior to taping that he was about to testify against another "professional":

During four 8-hour depositions at her attorney's office she would show up in her gigantic black SUV (with a conservative "Support Our Troops" bumper sticker) wearing powerful dark clothing, sit across the table from me, and glare at me with extreme hatred the entire time. 

The attorney I hired to sit with me during depositions said that she looked like the Wicked Witch of the West when she walked in the room. He said "the jury is not going to like her at all."

Yet I had no hatred for her at all, even after what she had done to me. I even thought that what the attorney said to me was mean. The only reason I even repeat what the attorney said here is to emphasize that that is how much disdain and hatred was on her face.

I just wanted answers. I just wanted to know what was happening to my jawbone. And why I was so sick. And I wanted treatment. 

I had imagined that the first time I saw her there would be an awkward exchange of glances and sadness and regret that it had come to this in both of our eyes, and I was hoping for an apology, but the first time I saw her was when I walked into the bathroom before the first deposition. She was preening herself in front of the mirror, putting on make-up and when I saw her she just looked at me in disgust and stomped out of the bathroom, making a loud noise with her high heels as she quickly exited as soon as I entered the stall. 

I will post the portions of the deposition soon where I had to interrupt the questioning to tell her to please stop looking at me like that. All I remember right now is saying "Look at you, look at your face." She looked like a monster.  

She didn't bat an eyelash and just continued to glare. It was the first time anyone had ever looked at me like this before and I didn't know what to make of it. 

It made me wonder what she would have done if the roles were reversed here, and I was the one who put a toxic and carcinogenic post into a bad tooth and over a jawbone ulcer in her mouth. 

She never once showed any signs of remorse or empathy or apologized, a sign of sociopathy, and this was an interesting article posted by UConn on March 10, 2005: 

UConn: The Killers (and Liars) in Our Midst:
They play all kinds of roles. I am a parent; I am a spouse; I am a doctor, Boy Scout leader, a member of the administration.
So how do you recognize a sociopath if you happen to meet one in your daily life? Stout urges readers to practice what she calls "the rule of threes." One lie or broken promise or neglected responsibility may simply be a misunderstanding. Two may involve a serious mistake, but "three lies says you're dealing with a liar, and deceit is the linchpin of conscienceless behavior," Stout writes. "Do not give your money, your work, your secrets or your affection to a three-timer."

Se also disclosed that she intended to call Dr. Joseph DiNardo, her peer reviewer from the Department of Health complaint I filed who stated that he knows of no dentist who tells their patient what type of alloy they place in their mouth, and  Dr. Robert Baratz as her experts:

In addition, Baratz, along with the American Dental Association (for which he is a spokesperson), believes dental amalgams to be safe and their alleged adverse health effects unproven.

Well, the reason the "alleged" adverse health affects of dental alloys is unproven is because no oral surgeon will biopsy our jawbones to help us prove it.

These are the faces of Dr. Baratz and Dr. Keefe. The two dentists who were going to try to convince a jury that, despite manufacturer warnings, known carcinogenic and neurotoxic metals are completely safe when placed in the human mouth, that I had a psychiatric history of "delusional disorder":

(Image source: DocSpot)

(Image source: Vitals)

And if you can imagine the face of Dr. Keefe, giving you what I now know is called "the sociopathic stare down" for four eight-hour days, that is what I had to endure during depositions. 

It was horrible.

It was the most awful villainous scowl I had ever seen in my life. 

Once again, I wished I had a film camera on me. 

But if you don't believe me, ask Merly. 

(I still have nightmares about her to this day. Every night.)

It was similar to this stare, but even colder and meaner.
(Image source: flickr)


She also never claimed a contributory negligence defense:

Contributory negligence in common-law jurisdictions is generally a defense to a claim based on negligence, an action in tort. This principle is relevant to the determination of liability and is applicable when plaintiffs/claimants have, through their own negligence, contributed to the harm they suffered. 

Dr. Robert Baratz is also known to contribute to QuackWatch, and even after I was invited by the producers of The Dr. Oz Show to talk about mercury dental fillings on March 18, 2103, QuackWatch accused Dr. Oz of never taking a proper "history" of me before allowing me to appear on the show, though this article was later revised and the comment was removed. 

Perhaps Dr. Oz had informed them that they did take a proper "history" of me, as they found me via this blog:

Or perhaps Stephen Barrett realized that it was me, as I had communicated with him about Dr. Leonard Kundel (see more about Dr. Kundel further down this blog):

Anyhow, Dr. Oz's producers wanted me to say on national television that "I got my mercury fillings out and now I feel GREAT!" 

But I refused to say that because it was not true. 

So I told the truth. 

I said that I got all of my fillings out and then some of my symptoms went away (panic attacks, terrible hand tremors, red rash on hands), but others persisted. 

My Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was helped, but not cured by the removal of my dental amalgams, and I knew that there were other much more serious dental causes of CFS, but at the time this show was produced, in 2013, I still did not have the biopsy-proven evidence I needed to prove it. (I also still had several crowned teeth in my mouth, including the healthy teeth that were crowned by Dr. Keefe for cosmetic purposes only . . . and you'll see what happened to my jawbone underneath those teeth further down this post).

And not even holistic dentists, who were being promoted by this show, would help me get the biopsy and evidence I needed. 

More recently, Stephen Barrett, whom I have spoken to on the phone and who is very soft-spoken and kind (unlike Baratz, who is more of a bully) has called unnecessary cosmetic dentistry a dental scam: 
"Other dental suggestions you might want to question, Barrett says, include balancing your bite with elaborate devices or putting crowns on healthy teeth. Unless you're a model or an actor, you don't need expensive cosmetic work."


Here is an interesting bit of transcript from Dr. Keefe's deposition (thru her attorney) of my treating psychologist:

 20       Q    My question is:  Have any of your patients

         21    ever come in to you with such a specific diagnosis?

         22       A    Yes.

         23       Q    Okay.  How many?  We were talking about

         24    common, so, you know, I'm trying to get a sense.

         25       A    I've worked with hundreds and hundreds of


          1    clients.  How many clients have come in wondering

          2    if they have a specific diagnosis?

          3       Q    Right.  It's happened before, I take it?

          4       A    It certainly has happened before.  I don't

          5    know if I'd be accurate saying 20 to 50 clients.

          6       Q    Sure.

          7       A    Something like that.

          8       Q    I don't want you to speculate.

          9                 Are there any pitfalls associated with

         10    a specific self-diagnosis like that?

         11       A    The pitfalls of a self-diagnosis could be

         12    if then the person engages in self-treatment that

         13    could be harmful.  That's one, one example.

         14       Q    Sure.  Any others?

         15       A    The pitfalls of a self-diagnosis?

         16       Q    Yeah.

         17       A    The primary pitfalls I think are that the

         18    client is thinking they're crazy or that they have

         19    a very severe illness and it causes them undo, you

         20    know, worry, and, so seeing someone like me, I

         21    could be reassuring and help them and reassure them

         22    that they can get better.

         23       Q    Now, when someone comes in like that, does

         24    it cause you any concern because they've come in

         25    with such a specific diagnosis?


          1       A    It didn't cause me a specific concern in

          2    this case.  It just makes me wonder, like, wow,

          3    this person is really on the ball, they've looked

          4    into things.


Email from my dental expert, Dr. Robert Kulacz, shortly before trial:

From: Robert Kulacz drkulacz@xxxxxxx.net
Date: Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 7:23 PM
To: Dana Herbert 

It boggles my mind at the depth they are going with this case.
It all could have gone away for $3500.00 in small claims court but now it is all this.
I have never seen such a large amount of work and investigation for a dental case.
Your lawyers should be aware of what they are doing to assess the depth and level of concern that they have. If they were not concerned about a big settlement they would not be doing this.


And then, just a week before trial the defense filed a whooping FIFTEEN Motions in Limine, asking that all of my evidence be barred from being presented to the jury, including this expert opinion:


As we sat on the benches in court, waiting to see the Judge Vanessa Bryant on the day she dismissed the case, Dr. Keefe's attorney told me that Dr. Keefe has offered to settle the case for $10,000 on the condition that I remove all my blog posts about her. 

I said I would only settle on the condition that she helps me get treatment.

I could care less about her money.

Her attorney said there is nothing that can be done to help me now.

I smelled more bullshit again. 

Even when bone lymphoma is advanced and diffuse, it is potentially curable:

Advanced diffuse histiocytic lymphoma, a potentially curable disease.

And as I mentioned above, Rituximab, which has very low toxicity, also puts bone lymphoma into remission. 

Dramatical improvement of chemoresistant bone lymphoma with rituximab.

What he really meant to say was that by helping me now, Dr. Keefe would have to admit wrongdoing, and she was never going to do that. 

So, even if I settled, I would still never get a diagnosis or treatment.

I didn't trust them at all. 

And I didn't have an attorney with me. 

So I just turned my head and looked away.

Besides, it cost me $10,000 just to have an attorney sit with me during her marathon depositions, almost $20,000 to have bogus biopsies done, and many many years of pain and suffering that continues to this day because she will never admit to wrongdoing and allow me to get a diagnosis and treatment. 

The attorney then told me that Dr. Keefe may sue me for libel (making false statements) on my blog and that the only reason she hasn't yet is because all I own is an old Volvo. 

I found it appalling that she still didn't even care about my life or wanting to help me after making a "mistake". 

I would have dropped the lawsuit at anytime had she just admitted to her "mistake", apologized to me and tried to help me. 

But all she cared about was her own reputation and not being exposed. 

I told him to tell her to go ahead and sue me. 

Plaintiff has the Burden of Proof. 


When we stepped into the Judge Vanessa Bryant's chambers, the first thing she did was look at the defense attorneys and ask them if they had any money for me. 

They said no.

Then Judge Bryant folded up her arms and sat back and said, "Oh, really? Why not?"

They didn't answer, but I'm pretty sure the reason was that her very inexpensive $1408 a year dental malpractice insurance policy, which I obtained a copy of during discovery, only covered a vigorous (and very expensive) defense for her, but would not cover damages in cases involving fraud

"However, if the claim involves a doctor who intentionally caused you harm, every insurance policy has a paragraph in there saying that they do not cover claims of intentional acts."

This would also explain why no attorney would take my case and why I had to represent myself the entire five and a half years the case was in litigation. 

And also why the litigation funding company would not fund my trial on the grounds that Keefe & Kundel had both defrauded me. 

Yet another reason why we need to criminalize the falsification of medical and dental records in Connecticut. 

Because this more-or-less gives doctors the green light to do anything to we outsiders--just as long as it is deliberate.

And medical malpractice insurance carriers should STOP paying for the defense of any practitioner who commits intentional malpractice. 

If they didn't, Dr. Keefe would have settled this in small claims court, or as soon as I had conformed my complaint to the regular docket, and I would have had my biopsy and treatment shortly thereafter.

The case was dismissed, because I did not have a trial attorney.


I truly believe that Dr. Keefe knew exactly what she was doing and that the Connecticut Department of Health Investigators were right when they said, "Well, she certainly did not try to help you." 

How anyone who calls themselves a Doctor could sit back and knowingly not want to relieve someone from suffering, but then add to their toxic burden and cause more harm and suffering, is beyond me. 

And then, to top it off, have her victims thrown into lock down mental facilities and tell her friends, family and doctors that her victims are delusional in order to manipulate a jury. 

I do not believe it was an "accident" at all on Dr. Keefe's part.  

And in fact, Dr. Keefe's defense attorney, Dana Lee, is the grandson of Manfred Bennington Lee. 

Ellery Queen is both a fictional character and a pseudonym used by two American cousins from BrooklynNew York—Daniel Nathan, alias Frederic Dannay (October 20, 1905 – September 3, 1982)[1] and Emanuel Benjamin Lepofsky, alias Manfred Bennington Lee (January 11, 1905 – April 3, 1971)[2]—to write, edit, and anthologize detective fiction.[3] The fictional Ellery Queen created by Dannay and Lee is a mystery writer and amateur detective who helps his father, a New York City police inspector, solve baffling murders.

I don't know how attorney Dana Lee sleeps at night defending a dentist who would lie to her patient and then sit back and watch her die. I guess the money is good. 

He knew she lied. 

And he knew what her intent was in placing the most highly toxic alloy on the market at the time into a tooth that was no good over a jawbone ulcer that she took a photo of and withheld from me for years.

My friend Pia was with me when the case was dismissed.

When we all walked back into the lobby of the courthouse, I just looked at Dana, gave him the peace sign, said "peace" and turned around to walk away.

Then Pia caught up to me and said that she saw Dana Lee tear up.

Like Norm Pattis wrote in his article Physician Defend Thyself? Lawyers Have More Nobility)  everyone is entitled to a defense, even sociopathic doctors.


Here is an excerpt from an email I received from a police officer, Officer Paul Rowen, after the case was dismissed, who spoke to an Investigator at the Connecticut Department of Health for me:

"He also said he didn't believe there was an criminal statute that covered altering records." 

There was nothing more I could do.

About either Keefe & Kundel.

Or my altered medical record.


After the case was dismissed, with the exception of a PCP whom I saw once a year for an annual physical,  I pretty much stayed away from all doctors and dentists from 2009 until 2012.

I hardly had any teeth left anyhow. 

My CFS had pretty much stabilized by then. It stopped getting worse. It was still there. But it was stable. 

At least I never felt like I had to go to the ER, like I did the whole time Dr. Keefe's bridge was in my mouth. I never felt like I was dying now. 

As time went on, I even felt pretty normal some days. Other days I was just tired all day. 

And ten times a month I had an excruitating 24 hour migraine.

I didn't tell my new PCP anything about what had happened to me. It was too traumatic. 

She wouldn't believe me anyhow, as my entire medical record had been altered due to Dr. Keefe's lies.


Then, when I went for my 5 year colonoscopy in 2011, my gastroenterologist at St. Francis said to me "Dana, you really need to come back to conventional medicine. We have some really good new treatments now for what you have."

Suspecting he may be talking about treatments for what I still suspected was bone lymphoma in my jawbone, I thought, okay . . . . it has been a long time . . . I will try to trust again.

Having moved to Downtown Hartford in 2011, St. Francis was just down the street and so it was the easiest hospital for me to go to. It is literally walking distance for me. 

In 2012, I began to see a neurologist at St. Francis because I was getting migraines more frequently now. Somehow, over the years they had morphed from once a month to once a week and by 2012 I was getting them 1-3 times per week. 

They last 12 to 24 hours and felt like a hot poker going thru the front of my head and I also have dry-heave vomiting. They are awful. I told my neurologist it was like being in labor for 10 days every month. 

The neurologist took a new head MRI and told me everything was fine. 

Perfect, he said. 

Really . . . ?

I went back to UConn Dental Clinics. 

They took panorexes and x-rays and told me everything looked fine.

Really . . . ?

Wow. I started to wonder if maybe all of these natural things I was doing were working. 
At least on my scans. 

But my CFS was not getting better, and my migraines were getting worse and coming more frequently. Right between the eyes. 

Then an attempt to make me a new upper denture at UConn Dental Clinics failed due to "complete resorption of the bone in the maxilla." 

I was referred to Prosthodontics to fabricate a new upper denture, but they never called me back and I was never referred to oral surgery to figure out the bone had completely resorbed. 

I was even sent to an oncologist by my PCP in 2012, Dr. Driola Brahaj, at Bristol Hospital, to check for lymphoma. I told her I had pain in my jawbone and night sweats. I told her that I had just read that they were giving Rituximab to CFS patients and getting "miraculous results" in a clinical trial, but that since I was not a part of that clinical trial, if I could just prove that there was lymphoma in my jawbone, I could get Rituximab. 

Dr. Brahaj never ordered any blood work (which is incompetence and negligence right there), but did order a skull to mid-thigh PET scan and assured me that I did not have lymphoma. 

She said, it's probably just Sjorgren's syndrome and told me to go see a rheumatologist. 

However, when I obtained a copy of the radiology report, it only reported on findings from the neck down, which I thought odd. 

And then . . . I remembered that Dr. Keefe's husband worked at Bristol Hospital sometimes too. 

I remembered this because I was at her home one day on a Sunday to bring her paint sample boards and Zia was not home, as I had thought he would be, to help pick out paint treatments. And I still have a very vivid memory of a short conversation I had with her.

I asked Tracy where he was and she said "Oh, he was on call today and got called over to Bristol hospital for an emergency. A little boy with leukemia."

And I said "Oh, that must be so sad . . ."

My grandmother's first child had died of leukemia when he was three years old, and Nana never got over it. But before I had a chance to tell her this story, she replied:

"Not really, those children, and people with hematological malignancies come from the lowest walks of life. Drug addicts, alcoholics, homosexuals, people with AIDS. I don't have any compassion for them at all."

I was mortified.

I just shut up right then and there and went to get the sample boards.

And then I thought to myself, well, doctors who deal with cancer probably have to harden their emotions so that they are not depressed all the time. It is a defense mechanism. 

And I let it go.

But if anyone had a "thought disorder" it was Dr. Keefe.

Urinary level of nickel and acute leukaemia in Chinese children.


So, my CFS continued to be stable from 2009 - 2014 until . . . 

About three weeks after getting the FluMist live attenuated nasal flu vaccine on October 8, 2014, I started to experience major endocrine abnormalities, which were detected by a blood test ordered by a new Rheumatologist I began to see at St. Francis. 

Then, when I scheduled an appointment with an Endocrinologist at St. Francis (Dr. Emmanuel Javier), as a new patient, he just looked at me and asked "So, what do you do . . ."

He did not take a history of me at all and wouldn't help me even though my rheumatologist faxed him blood work showing very low sodium levels (130) and extremely low TSH (0.04).

I felt like I was dying, had lost 10 pounds in 10 days, was severely dehydrated, had ketones in my urine, shooting pains down my legs - I knew these were signs of adrenal crisis - but he spent less then 5 minutes with me told me I looked fine. 

I tried to tell him that my mother was coming to visit in a couple of days, that she has cancer and is very ill and I need to take care of her for ten days, and I feel like I am dying myself.

What should I do? Go to the ER? 

Oh NOOOO . . . not that again.

In an attempt to help him figure out what was going on with me, I told him that I tried a Prednisone left over from an old poison ivy infection and felt better, and he said "Oh yes, prednisone makes everyone feel euphoric."

I see, I am exhibiting drug-seeking behavior now.

He then billed my insurance $318 for a "new patient visit."

I had to make an emergency visit to my PCP for glucocorticoids, which literally saved my life:

Ok, I get it . . . 

Dr. Keefe's husband still works at St. Francis. 

That is what he meant by "So, what do you do . . ."

That's right . . . I sued the wife of St. Francis' lymphoma oncologist in small claims court to get my money back for a carcinogenic nickel bridge she placed 15 years ago, a consumer transaction, and she motioned it over the regular docket and turned it into a medical malpractice case. 

So kill me.

I guess that because I was a pro se litigant twelve years ago, he sees me as being the same thing as a medical malpractice attorney.

A doctor can refuse to treat a patient because:
Well, I am NOT a medical malpractice attorney.

I am just a girl who wants a diagnosis and treatment!

This is a candid shot of me, on the far left, taken on November 16, the night that I took the old Prednisone (20 mg) that I had left over so that I could get out of the house and attend an event at Real Art Ways I had promised to go to. 

I could not eat, and as you can see I was trying to eat a chicken wing and having a hard time stomaching even that, even though I love chicken wings. I look like I'm going to pass out. I hardly look euphoric. 



After several repeat TSH tests showed my TSH level to be dangerously low, my PCP ordered a pituitary and brain scan for.

I chose to go to UConn this time for the MRI because I was beginning to suspect that the radiologist at St. Francis had falsified my radiology report.

It looks like the jawbone "artifact" I saw in 2000 is still there. 

These are images from an MRI I had done at UCHC on 12/26/14. 

Again, none of these "artifacts" are listed on the radiology report. 

I was able view these images by downloading OsiriX to my home computer:

(Localizer image. I'm fairly certain that this is the upper left maxilla now, the area that Leonard Kundel worked on. All of the bone in the maxilla has been resorbed and here, you can see no bone marrow. Also, I did have to remove another 4-unit bridge with nickel from the upper left jawbone in 2004, as it had decay underneath it . . . the metal had actually decayed and broken down. I guess the economy bridge work does not last very long. And remember, Dr. Kundel decalcified ALL biopsy samples, making a diagnosis of bone lymphoma impossible from his biopsies. It may be a resolved lesion - which is doubtful - or it may be an "extremely flat lesion" according to a second opinion radiology report I have, which would make sense as there is basically no bone there anymore. I still have pain in the maxilla, especially when I have migraines.)

(Localizer image, lower LEFT mandible now, lesion directly underneath where Dr. Keefe placed two nickel-beryllium crowns on teeth 21 and 22 fifteen years ago. And there is a red welt along my jawbone now that correlates with this image.)

T1 coronal post-contrast image: Looks like an very active tumor in ^ ^ the lower left jawbone now to me.   Lymphoma is low to intermediate signal on T1 images, gadolinium is bright. Gadolinium is a chemical compound given during MRI scans that highlights areas of inflammation. 

This mandibular tumor is not seen in any of my older MRIs (I have all the films) from 2000-2003. But it looks just like the tumor that was in the RIGHT mandible in those films.

I will post photos soon.

(I also have bright nasal turbinates on DWI MRI, which could be caused by lymphoma.)

"In the smaller volume lymphomas, there is a tendency to spread a a diffuse thin sheet of tumor along the walls of the nasal cavity to envelop the nasal turbinates." Radiological Imaging in Hematological Malignancies, 2004

If this is true (and it is of course) then the fatigue and headaches associated with CFS may be due to bright nasal turbinates (restricted diffusion) on DWI MRI, caused by small volume lymphomas in the jawbone (which eMedicine says can be difficult to diagnose without a high index of suspicion, so I think these small volume jawbone lymphomas may be highly underdiagnosed by dentists, as they mimic infectious processes).

I always suspected it was jawbone lymphoma, but I could never understand how these lesions would cause CFS. Now I get it. 

I don't know what the heck that ^ is, up in the brain, but it is probably being caused by the bright nasal turbinates. A second opinion MRI report simply states that it is an "abnormality along the floor of the anterior cranial fossa." 

Interesting that UConn has flat out lied in their radiology report:

And this is Page 2 of the Report: 


When the conclusion of the report says "Normal Brain MRI"?

Is this some kind of code that radiologists use to alert all physicians not to help this patient?

From the ADA Code of Ethics:

5.D.1. Reporting Adverse Reactions. A dentist who suspects the occurrence of an adverse reaction to a drug or dental device has an obligation to communicate that information to the broader medical and dental community, including, in the case of a serious adverse event, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Shouldn't the patient be informed as well?


I did bring the top picture only to an oral surgeon at Columbia Dental in Manchester last month (Dr. John McCabe), who looked at it, said there was definitely a lesion in the bone and asked me why nobody biopsied this lesion 15 years ago. 

He then asked me to bring him the entire MRI CD the next day. After looking at it, he looked shaken, like he had seen a ghost. He then tried to tell me that these images were not mine because they did not have my name on them. 

There was also no radiology report on the disk!!

I told him that DICOM images had my UCHC patient ID number (T00398783) is on them. 

He said that he wished I had come to him 15 years ago. He then told me that he was sorry but that there was nothing he could do for me now. 


Effective therapy for poor-prognosis non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with 8 weeks of high-dose-intensity combination chemotherapy.

This oral surgeon is also affiliated with St. Francis Hospital.

With the exception of the top two localizer images above, the last four images are also seen in a brain scan I had at St. Francis Hospital on January 7, 2012, for intractable migraines, but the radiology report simply says "Normal brain MRI" and makes no mention of these abnormalities. How can they be "artifacts" if they keep showing up over and over?:

Abnormality in LEFT jawbone, St. Francis Hospital, 2012

Abnormality in LEFT jawbone, St. Francis Hospital, 2012

DWI of nasal turbinates, St. Francis Hospital, 2012

Abnormality along the floor of the anterior cranial fossa, St. Francis Hospital, 2012
Exactly where I feel the migraines.
And yes, they feel as bad as that looks.

But don't forget, Dr. Keefe's husband is a hematologist-oncologist at St. Francis Hospital and I'm sure he is friendly with all of the radiologists there. 

And all you have to do is google "radiology fraud" to see how rampant it is. 

And it is pretty clear from the fact that it was a group of radiologists in the U.S. that started DoctorsKnow.Us, that radiologists work for the doctors who send them business, and not for the patients. 

So what's next Dr. Keefe? I know that your husband is also an anatomical pathologist, who trained at UConn Health Center. Is he going to get all the pathologists in Connecticut to falsify my pathology reports too? My autopsy report?

Radiology report by Michael Twohig, MD., 01/07/13
No mention of the anterior cranial fossa.

Second opinion radiology report obtained by me on 12/12/14
When I read this report, I read it as saying that my history of intractable migraines was being caused by an abnormality along the floor of the anterior cranial fossa.

This was when I figured out how to download OsiriX, and I looked at the front of my brain, and saw the big black spot.

And then I thought, well, what would be causing that?
And that is when I went down to the nasal turbinates and saw the big bright spot.

And then I read that bright spots on DWI could be caused by lymphoma.

And then I read that "small volume lymphomas" tend to invade the nasal turbinates as a thin sheet of tumor.


Also, I have been studying genetics this past year, including having completed MIT's Intro to Biology with Eric Lander, and have had my genome sequenced by 23andMe. 

Remember how Dr. Keefe told me that only "whackos" think their dental work is making them sick and that only people from the "lowest walks of life" get NHL?

Well, I don't think that is true. 

After spending a whole year studying genetics and searching thru my genome, I discovered this

I have a very rare genotype, which is seen in 0% of the CEU (Western European ancestry) population, or rather, less than 0.9%. This means up to 9 out of 1000 people of Western European ancestry may have this genotype. 

I am homozygous A;A (T;T) for Rs1913474

Rs1913474: [PMID 18636124OA-icon.png] Polymorphisms in the estrogen receptor 1 and vitamin C and matrix metalloproteinase gene families are associated with susceptibility to lymphoma.

This would certainly explain all of my hormonal (especially estrogen) abnormalities.

It would also explain why high-dose intravenous vitamin C can put reticulum cell sarcoma into remission, a treatment I underwent in 2005 and 2006, but had to stop due to cost: 

Reticulum cell sarcoma: two complete 'spontaneous' regressions, in response to high-dose ascorbic acid therapy. A report on subsequent progress.


Mercury Exposure Increases Circulating Net Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9 Activities

New genetic mutations found for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
"Risk factors for NHL also include exposure to toxic chemicals including vinyl chloride, herbicides (including dioxins, i.e. Agent Orange), pesticides, hair dyes and heavy metals, as well as ingestion of certain prescription cytotoxic drugs" ~ Non Hodgkins Lymphoma Medical Disabilities Guide

"A population based case-control study of residents of Los Angeles County found that the risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma among women decreased with increased consumption of alcoholic beverages. The risk of NHL was 50% lower among those consuming five or more drinks per week than among those who abstained from alcohol." ~ Alcohol and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (Ahh, see, I quit drinking in the summer of 1992....)

“But in the back of my mind, I knew I was sick,” Karen says. “Of course I looked online at my symptoms, but I couldn’t really find anything. I’d had a lump under my jaw that had always been dismissed.” ~ Karen Allen Lymphoma Survivor

"The excess mortality was almost entirely related to deaths from cancer." Causes of Death Among Patients With ChronicFatigue Syndrome

"The three most prevalent causes of death were heart failure**, suicide, and cancer, which accounted for 59.6% of all deaths. The mean age of those who died from cancer and suicide was 47.8 and 39.3 years, respectively, which is considerably younger than those who died from cancer and suicide in the general population." ~ Causes of death among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

New Clinical Trial:Contact Allergies to Dental Metal as a Possible Risk Factor for Oral Cancer

** In severe cases, berylliosis may lead to heart failure .


Granuloma in lung . . . or beryllium poisoning

  • Exposure to beryllium
  • Positive blood test called BeLPT (beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test) that shows allergic sensitivity to beryllium
  • Granulomas in the lungs found with Lung biopsy —a sample of lung tissue is removed and tested

I'll probably never know. I can't get any biopsies around here, remember? 
But I do have all of the above requirements for diagnosis otherwise. 

And a chest x-ray done 1999, the year before Dr. Keefe's beryllium alloy was put into a bad tooth and leached into my jawbone showed no calcifications/granulomas. 
Normal chest-x-ray. 

Based on my 2002 pulmonary testing results, I was diagnosed with COPD by St. Francis. COPD at 33 years old. Really? 

And what does "splenic granuloma" mean? 


Update 2/26/2015:

Had surgery to remove very hard swollen posterior cervical lymph node today. 

I had called an ENT doctor out of the area three weeks earlier, away from Hartford, to take a look at this lump on the left side of my neck that had been there for a year. 

Since I could not get a biopsy of the jawbone, and I figured that this is what Dr. Manger meant when he said "if it is cancer it will make itself known", I thought maybe this would contain the evidence I needed to get treatment. 

I called the office at about 4:00 in the afternoon on February 9 and they were able to see me the next morning at 10:00 due to a cancellation because we had a snow storm that day. 

The ENT surgeon looked at it and said it was a "hard cystic lymph node." No central punctum, so can't possibly be an epidermoid cyst. 

I told him I was having night sweats and fatigue, and also mild anemia and secondary adrenal insufficiency (which I believe can be caused by lymphoma as the body tries to control the inflammation it causes). 

So he recommended removing it and finding out what it was. 

Causes of swollen posterior lymph nodes include lymphoma and head and neck carcinoma.

[Uncommon cystic appearance of lymph nodes in malignant lymphoma]. 
Other potential causes of cystic lymph nodes:
Mechanisms of cyst formation in metastatic lymph nodes of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.
Risk factors that doctors are investigating as a cause of salivary gland cancer but have not proven include exposure to certain metals (nickel alloy dust).  cancer.net
Occupational exposure to radiation/radioactive materials (OR = 2.4; 95% CI = 1.0-5.4) and nickel compounds/alloys (OR = 6.0; 95% CI = 1.6-22.0), as well as employment in the rubber industry (OR = 7.0; 95% CI = 0.80-60.3), increased risk. In men, current smoking (OR = 2.1; 95% CI = 0.98-4.7) and heavy alcohol consumption (OR = 2.5; 95% CI = 1.1-5.7) were associated with risk, but these factors were not strongly related to salivary gland cancer in women.  - Environmental facts and risk of salivary gland cancer.
Possible association between nickel and chromium and oral cancer: a case-control study in central Taiwan.
Beryllium poisoningChronic beryllium disease is a systemic, granulomatous disease that primarily affects the lungs (Kriebel et al., 1988b). Non-caseating granulomas may also be observed in the skin, liver, spleen, lymph nodes, myocardium, skeletal muscles, kidney, bone, and salivary glands (Freiman and Hardy, 1970). Other symptoms of the disease include dyspnea, weight loss, chest pain, cough, arthralgias, and fatigue (Kriebel et al., 1988b).  
Beryllium-induced toxicity and its prevention by treatment with chelating agents.

Well . . . this should come as no surprise: 

When I went back for a follow-up visit on March 9, the ENT surgeon looked a little angry with me and told me that it was just an "epidermal inclusion cyst". 

I guess that in the month's time between the initial visit and the follow-up visit, he realized that I had tricked him into getting the evidence I needed to obtain treatment.

To confirm this suspicion, I brought copies of MRI images to him and showed him the jawbone pictures. He said it was normal bone.

I showed him the bright nasal turbinates and he said bright nasal turbinates were normal


I told him that I read that bright nasal turbinates on DWI MRI could be lymphoma, and he told me to stop reading things on the internet.

But I read it in an online Radiology textbook!

I asked for a copy of the pathology report and he gave me one page as I walked out the door. 

When I got home, I realized that page 2 was missing, as was the microscopic description.

So I called the office and asked the secretary why page 2 was missing. She checked my file and said "Oh, yes, it is here, it says "microscopic description", I will send it out today."

10 days go by, nothing in the mail. I called again, and she insisted that she sent it.

Well, send me another, because it must have gotten lost in the mail.

When I finally received page 2, this is what I got:

So I called again to ask why there was no microscopic description, and she told me that they can tell it is an epidermoid cyst just by looking at it!!


When I asked if I can have the cyst, or get slides or the block, to get a second opinion, she said no. That it has to be ordered thru a treating physician. If no one is treating me, then I can't have access to it. 

She then said that the cyst had "nothing to do with your jawbone lymphoma."

Then, I read that in the indolent anaplastic t-cell lymphomas, the lymph nodes can often become enlarged like this, in the neck and armpits, but contain no cancer cells.

It was definitely an enlarged lymph node. 

"Nickel is the number one cancer stimulating metal, even worse than mercury - because mercury usually kills cells, whereas nickel just turns the cell malignant. Although cobalt and chromium individually do not cause cancer, if they are combined into one mixture, they will cause cancer. 
Nickel causes DNA damage in preventing cells from repairing and from duplicating. It has pronounced adverse effects on the immune system, destroying T-cells and especially the NK cells that are our major defense against cancer. Alteration of chromosomes is another pastime of nickel. 
Sounds pretty unsafe doesn't it? But it’s cheap. That's why we find it in removable partial dentures, orthodontic braces, adult crowns and bridges (especially as the base under porcelain crowns) and children's "chrome crowns", a cutesy name for nickel. 
My personal advice is totally against the use of nickel in dentistry, but, I will allow you to choose whatever you want - as long as you are informed." Hal Huggins, DDS


I will update this story soon, I need to do something to recover and get back on my feet.

I will be using inhaled methyl jasmonate and DCA (inspired by the story of Tim McGough whose lymphoma was put into remission with DCA after state-of-the art lymphoma treatments, including Rituximab, had failed him).

I also just started taking Armour thyroid (45mg) and Prednisone (10mg) this year for Hashimoto's thyroiditis and secondary thyroid and adrenal insufficiency. 

Prednisone also kills lymphoma cells

I have also noticed that when I am on Prednisone that my migraines come far less frequently and that if I take 10 or 20 mg when I feel a migraine come on, it will abort my migraines.

My TSH level dropped dramatically last October, ranging from 0.02 to 0.07, (with normal T3 and T4 levels), and I'm working with a new endocrinologist at Hartford Hospital to get it back up to normal.

The TSH dropped soon after taking the FluMist nasal flu vaccine. 

I did not know there was possibly a thin sheet of lymphoma in my nasal turbinates because of some not entirely honest radiology reports by UConn and St. Francis Hospital, and live vaccines are contraindicated for use in cancer patients.

You definitely don't want to be squirting live viruses directly into a cancer.

IF YOU HAVE CFS: I would NOT RECOMMEND FluMist at all!! 

I am afraid I may have caused it to spread to my pituitary? as my pituitary is enlarged at 9mm (average size pituitary for a female my age is 5mm) and there are two bright spots on it that were not seen on the St. Francis MRI two years earlier. 

There is also a pineal cyst. 

This MRI was taken after being on 40mg of Prednisone a day for two months (November and December 2014):

(My localizer image. Bright spots on pituitary, dark mandible.)

(Normal localizer image. No bright spots on pituitary, no dark mandible.)

Wish me luck.
"Whoever survives a test, whatever it may be, must tell the story. That is his duty."                                                                           - Elie Wiesel
But just in case . . .


An important note: The misdiagnosis of 'CFS' can also cause death. Every diagnosis of 'CFS' is a misdiagnosis. Many hundreds of thousands of patients have been misdiagnosed with 'CFS' and so denied an appropriate diagnosis and treatment. For some of these patients, this lack of appropriate care can lead to death. For example, cancer patients are sometimes misdiagnosed with 'CFS' instead of being given the cancer diagnosis and treatments they need, or these treatments are given far too late to save the persons' life. This fact is also only very rarely discussed, and never in the mainstream media.
The 'CFS' scam, the cover-up of the facts of M.E. and the widespread abuse of M.E. patients are ruining countless lives, and are also causing many needless deaths. It is important that the M.E. community (and the formerly 'CFS' misdiagnosed community) does what it can to highlight these deaths, in order to stop the same thing happening to others and so to make these often avoidable tragic deaths count for something. 

We would also like to pay tribute to those who have died, and to make sure these individuals are not forgotten.  At the very least, not by us.
From: M.E. deaths - The Hummingbirds' Foundation for M.E.


And check out this upcoming documentary about thyroid disease: 

The Very Beginning of Being Sick to Death!

"I realized how powerless I really was and became very angry. But between the moments of intense anger and sadness, there was lucidity. I had to understand how and why this happened to me – and to the millions of others – and help others to see it, so we can all change it together." 

It is the same with CFS/dental/cancer patients. We can learn to read our x-rays, MRIs and interpret our lab results, but we cannot get a cancer diagnosis without a dentist saying it may be cancer, and then we cannot get medical treatment without a biopsy performed by an oral surgeon!!


UPDATE: April 10, 2015:

Just got my thyroid results back, after just one month (4 weeks) on DCA/thiamine and inhaled methyl jasmonate (10 ml), and my TSH is now 0.42, so it is normal (ref. range 0.3 - 4.2)

Free T4 is 0.96 (low end of normal) and Total T3 is 100 (low end of normal). 

So it appears that maybe these anti-cancer treatments are working.

Who knows. 

Still fatigued and sleepy, but definitely feeling some hope now.

Also, when I called MSKCC in NYC last week, to seek treatment, specifically Rituximab, they told me that I would need biopsy results

I explained to them why I was unable to obtain a biopsy in Connecticut . . . they paused for a bit a then said "It sounds like your dentists are extremely unethical."
un·eth·i·calˌənˈeTHək(ə)l/adjectivenot morally correct.
"it is unethical to torment any creature for entertainment"


immoral, amoral, unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonorable, dishonest, wrong, deceitful, unconscionable, unfair, fraudulent, underhanded, wicked, evil, sneaky, corrupt;
They then asked if I had any radiology reports that said said anything about lesions in the jawbone.


I told them that I can see lots of abnormalities in the scans, but there is no mention of them in the radiology reports at all.

I then ordered a second opinion MRI report online:

Which states that "an extremely flat mucosal lesion is not possible to definitively exclude" around the turbinates.


Now that my TSH is normal, I have stopped taking the DCA/thiamine and methyl jasmonate, and have switched to 1000mg Honokiol 3x per day, for two weeks, and will see how that affects my health and my blood work next. 

Honokiol had efficacy as monotherapy in reducing microvessel count and tumor burden in mice, but in combination with docetaxol, showed a dramatic reduction in tumor volume, lytic disease of bone.


UPDATE April 27, 2015

On April 24, in an effort to get some kind of report for MSKCC that shows lesions in my maxilla and mandible, I scheduled a cleaning with my dentist, Dr. Preeti Nair.

I brought in the MRI pics of the maxilla and mandibular lesions.

They took regular x-rays, and Dr. Nair felt my mandible and maxilla and said that yes, she felt an "expansile" lesion in both the lower left mandible and the left maxilla. 

So the mandibular lesion is on the LEFT now, not the RIGHT.

The x-rays they took show lytic lesions and sclerotic mass under teeth treated by Dr. Keefe 15 years earlier with 78% nickel + beryllium crowns. This correlates with the abnormalities seen on my MRI images. 

Lytic and sclerotic bone surrounding teeth 21 and 22.
And what appears to be a fleck of metal inside tooth #22. 

Teeth 21 and 22 to the right, which were restored by Dr. Keefe with cosmetic crowns containing 78% nickel + beryllium + chromium. You can see the black areas behind the teeth where the metal leached into my bone. The metal ions also leach down into the tooth, rendering the tooth no good, so once nickel-beryllium alloys are placed over a tooth, and the crowns are there for several years, the metals get trapped in the tooth and the teeth will need to come out in order to heal.

It could explain why I had hypercalcemia while her crowns and bridge were in my mouth. The metal ions displace calcium in the bone and teeth, kicking it out into the bloodstream.

You can also see a red swollen area inbetween the four teeth and a big red swollen area behind and under teeth 21 and 22, along the jawbone. 

Risks of crowning specific to materials used in dental crowns


Crowns typically are mounted on a base made of nickel, an extremely toxic metal.

Toxic allergenic metals in metal crowns

The use of metal alloys in prosthetic crowns leads to all types of metal ions building up in high concentrations in the gumline surrounding crowned teeth (visible as dark lines).

And from WikiMedz:

I had my porcelain fused to metal crown replaced with an all porcelain crown to remove the dark line on top of my tooth. I had it replaced because of aesthetic reasons only. This is my front tooth. After being replaced, the dark line is still there.
A: Why is my gum line still dark after replacing my crown with all porcelain crown?

In some cases metal ions can escape from poorly fabricated restorations into your tooth structure causing a dark stain in the tooth. If this dark area is not treated prior to placement of an all porcelain crown, it is likely that a dark line will remain.

It's like deju vu all over again. 

This is what happened with her bridge, but she couldn't "see" anything. 

So this time, I got a picture of it. And I have shown friends and relatives, who all agree that they see swelling in the mandible. 

I didn't get pictures last time until the area was operated on by Dr. Berger and all that fish-flesh material started oozing out of it, only because when I showed it to him, he said it was normal "sloughing" and didn't write anything in his records. That was when I finally started to realize that my doctors and dentists were falsifying my records, something I didn't know was not a crime.

I am going to try to get the teeth removed now.

Blood work by rheumatologist at St. Francis and shows low kappa and lambda free light chains (with repeat test) which is diagnostic of bone marrow suppression.
Bone marrow suppression can be caused by the cancer itself or its treatments.
Blood-related cancers, such as leukemia or multiple myeloma, affect blood cells in the bone marrow. Lymphoma and some solid tumours can spread to the bone marrow and affect blood cell production.

He also diagnosed me with Connective Tissue Disorder, based on my positive ANA titer, speckled.
The lymphomas also include reticulum-cell sarcoma . (A sarcoma is a malignant tumor in the connective tissue. Reticulum cells are a particular kind of connective tissue.) 

Reticulum cell sarcomas of SJL mice have rearranged immunoglobulin heavy and light chain genes.


I really do believe that the use of cheap nickel-beryllium-chromium dental alloys, especially in patients who are genetically predisposed to develop lymphoma, may be the CFS. 

These tumors tend to remain occult in the jawbone and conventional dentists know they are caused by toxic metals, so will not diagnose them because they all use these cheap metals to increase their profits. 

It is the one cancer that doctors and dentist won't diagnose unless it "makes itself known" (grows really big and noticeable) because they all know it is caused by dentists. 

These alloys may be causes of other cancers too, such as lung cancer and breast cancer.

Holistic dentists, at least the holistic dentists who perform oral surgery services (I am not against holistic dentistry at all), will not diagnose them, because they cannot treat jawbone cancers. 

They can only diagnose and treat dental infections, which is the differential diagnosis of bone lymphoma. 

So to them, every lesion in the jawbone is seen as "benign" osteomyelitis, and they make exorbitant amounts of money treating this osteomyelitis, treatment to them being extraction of teeth for $1000 per tooth. 

Wouldn't it be nice if we could know the truth about these lesions, so we could have our teeth extracted for the normal extraction fee of about $200.00 and it might even be covered by our medical insurance as being a "medical necessity"?

Please be an informed consumer when you have dental work done. Especially unnecessary cosmetic dental work. 

Insist that your dentist use only high-noble non-carcinogenic biocompatible metals, or better yet, metal-free restorations. 

Get the MSDS (Manufacturer's Safety Data Sheet) on every material your dentist intends to place in your mouth. 

Full-mouth x-rays are better than a panorex at detecting these lesions when they are early. 

Ask to see your x-rays and ask a lot of questions. 

Remember, you are paying them. Even if it is through dental insurance, or barter, you are still paying them

It should be your decision, not theirs, of what is placed permanently in your mouth. 

As soon as a dentist places carcinogens in your mouth, no other dentist will remove them unless you can prove you have an allergy to the carcinogens or that you have cancer and that the cancer is being caused by the metals.

And you must understand that once you give your money to a dentist, it will be impossible to get it back. 

There are no refunds, no returns in dentistry. 

They will motion any consumer small-claims court case over to the regular docket and fight you to the death to keep your money. 

According to the Connecticut State Dental Association, everything Dr. Keefe did to me is "the standard of care" in dentistry, at least in Canton, CT. 

After filing a formal complaint with them in January 2003, when I didn't hear back from Noel Bishop, this was their response: 

What the Connecticut Dental Association is saying is that ALL dentists in Canton (Canton Valley Dental) put cheap cancer causing metals, over jawbone ulcers, into your mouth without your informed consent

It must be how they pay for their big homes in Avon and their sailboats. 

"It is unfortunate that you haven't been agreeable to her generous offer."

Yeah, because even he knew that if I didn't remove her carcinogens, the cancer was just going to get worse and I would surely die . . .

Dr. Merkelson had called me and said that they reviewed all of her records and that she kept better records than most dentists. 

Right. She even took a photograph of an ulcer in my jawbone that she never disclosed to me.

He then said "She could not have known . . . " but didn't finish the sentence.

Could not have known what

That I had a nickel allergy? She didn't ask, despite manufacturer's warnings that were never passed on to me from her. 

That a non-healing ulcer in the jawbone is a sign of cancer? She has post-graduate training in head and neck oncology. In fact, her curriculum vitae states that Ellen Eisenberg, head of oral pathology at UConn, was her mentor. 

That nickel-beryllium alloys cause cancer?

The MSDS for Unitbond, the alloy she says she uses in all of her patients, warns her that it does. And dentists are required to know all the possible side effects of their prescription dental devices. 

And she most certainly saw that the alloy was causing cancer in her follow-up x-ray almost two years later, as there was sclerosis coming right off the metal. 

And Dr. Merkelson did tell me that she failed to report any adverse side effects to her prescription dental devices, which is unethical according to the ADA Code of Ethics.

But, as Dr. Keefe will say . . . ". . . it's not illegal.

Well, there ought to be a law then. 

This was my response letter:

I later discovered that Dr. Tracey Keefe's brother and business associate, Charles Keefe, who is the owner of Canton Valley Dental, is on the Board of the Connecticut State Dental Association.


Bill Tyra, father of a victim of medical malpractice, explains the impact of ignoring falsifying records. 

The Connecticut Center for Patient Safety presents real-life stories of medical negligence, its impact on family members, and the need to protect patients' rights and safety.

A prescription for the rogue doctor: part I--begin with diagnosis.
A prescription for the rogue doctor: part II ready, aim, fire.

"Such people know that
sexual harassment, plagiarism or fraud is wrong, but they choose to engage in immoral or illegal acts anyway; they may feel above the law and entitled to transgress against others, Heitt said. . . They don't correct their behavior so that they can become better people, gain friends or be in the good graces of colleagues. They correct their behavior to avoid punishments." ~ A Close Look at the Sociopathic Physician

When you run into a sociopathic physician or dentist, you will know, because your entire life will be destroyed. That's what sociopaths do. They destroy your life. 


UPDATE: June 4, 2015:

Was referred by my regular dentist to UConn Oral Surgery, to evaluate the bone lesions she saw in my dental x-rays, as UConn has the only oral pathology service in the whole State of Connecticut:

They called and originally tried to schedule me with Dr. Joseph Piecuch. I told them that I had already seen Dr. Piechuch (in 2003) and did not want to see him again. He was one of the oral surgeons, then at Avon Oral & Maxillofacial Associates, who took my money  and told me he could not see anything in the jawbone and that the shadows I saw were "water spots". 

They said, "Oh, but that was a long time ago." 

I had not told them when I saw him, only that I had seen him, so I did not know how they could have known that it was a long time ago, except that maybe my case was discussed with them.

And it's not like he is going to change his opinion now, twelve years later, and incriminate himself. 

They then scheduled me with Dr. Song on June 2nd. 

So I showed Dr. Song the red spot behind my jawbone and as I expected, he said that he could not see a red welt.

He also took this panorex, which shows mixed lytic and sclerotic lesions underneath my dental crowns, and said that was normal bone:

This was my UConn panorex in 2013, and the lesions are also present in this panorex, though not as pronounced and they failed to diagnose these lesions then as well:

He said that they do not diagnose or treat lymphoma of the jawbone at UConn anyhow. That I would have to go out of State for that kind of diagnosis or treatment. ?!?

That's so sad because they are so curable!!

I guess they just don't want to diagnose any side effects to dental devices there because they have a very large dental school. 

I think they are also continuing to cover for Dr. Keefe. 

I saw Dr. Piecuch walking up and down the hallway, probably coaching Dr. Song from the sidelines:

Notice that this report and affidavit by Dr. Brook Seeley, ENT, states that he referred me to Avon Oral & Maxillofacial Associates for "a biopsy, if indicated", yet Dr. Piechuch's record says nothing at all about a biopsy and concludes that he can offer "no assistance to this lady as I truly do not believe there is any problem that needs surgical correction." It is very cleverly worded too and he says what Dr. Keefe kept telling me "I can see no pathology."

He also states that an infection would not invade the sinuses

Yet, UConn just referred me to an ENT specialist during my visit:

And validates the root tip resorption in tooth #30, which Dr. Keefe lied about.

Also validated by another dentist here

The panorex I had brought him was my December 1999 panorex, taken just three months before I had seen Dr. Keefe, by my regular dentist, Dr. Marolda.

Panorex taken by Dr. Piechuch.

I see a gray fuzzy lesion in the right mandible, at the top, and permeative bone in the right mandible.

I see sclerosis coming off of the bottom of the teeth crowned by Dr. Keefe (#21 & #22).

And I see a dark black spot above the bridge on the left (upper right in photo), but Dr. Piechuch said it was normal bone. That would be the area that correlates with the left maxillary lesion.

As expected, Avon Oral & Maxillofacial is one of the five businesses that Canton Valley Dental "likes" on their Facebook page: Canton Valley Dental Facebook Page

Of course they like them. They cover up for them. 


The good thing though, is that they also took an occlusal of my mandible, and while there are still shadows in my mandible, there has been much improvement in the large black lesion that was seen under Dr. Keefe's bridge in 2004, after the removal of her bridge with toxic post and core, so maybe healing is possible once you remove these metals. 

A bone completely remodels itself and replaces all of its cells every ten years or so. 

It also pretty much proves that the metals were the cause, because in functional medicine, removal of the cause is the first step to healing:



But you can also see a large dark area lower down the jawbone to the right of the image. This is underneath the two nickel-beryllium crowns that were placed in my mouth by Dr. Keefe. 

There was a young female resident radiologist present, who said that yes, there was most definitely a bone lesion in the mandible on the MRI and that it correlated with this MRI image:

And when I told her that I think these lesions in my jawbones are the cause of CFS syndrome and that I just wanted a biopsy and to try Rituximab, which has very low toxicity, she nodded her head in agreement. 

I told her and Dr. Song that I have been studying genetics and even found that I have a rare gene mutation that predisposes me to lymphoma. 

But Dr. Song then said he could not see any pathology on these radiographs, and so my request for a biopsy was denied. 

Dr. Song's opinion trumps the young resident radiologist's opinion I guess.

So once again, my medical and dental record at UConn becomes falsified. 

And I can not get the treatment I want.

And what may be *the* cause of CFS gets covered up. 

Dr. Song even told me that the MRI images I have posted showing the lesions in the mandible (and maxilla?) have been deleted from the record and that Dr. Douglas Fellows report does not mention any lesions in the maxilla or mandible. 

But they are still on my CD, with my UCHC patient number on them. 

Note that in his report above, Dr. Song says there is no ulceration noted.

Soooo . . . if there was an ulcer in the jawbone, would that be cause for concern?

Would that have gotten me a biopsy?

Is that what is meant by "pathology" in all of my dental records . . . a mass or ulcer?

(I did get another CD at UConn and checked it, and the Localizer images are still on it. But still no radiology report on the CD, on this copy or the one I picked up in December.)


People die every day without a diagnosis:

There is a hidden epidemic - millions of people living with perplexing illnesses that elude definition and treatment. Undiagnosed: Medical Refugees is a medical documentary about what it is like to exist in a constant state of unknown, struggling with undiagnosed illnesses and rare diseases, and existing as medical refugees in a modern health care system. The film aspires to bring objectivity to this controversial and timely subject by interviewing doctors, medical administrators, and people, both children and adults, who have the misfortune of suffering without a diagnosis. Research and professional opinions combine with gripping stories into an incredible narrative that showcases the strength of the human spirit and the need for change in our medical system.

Documentary: "Undiagnosed: Medical Refugees"

And without a diagnosis, they can't even get hospice care when they are dying. 

And even when the patient does all the research themselves and tries for YEARS to help their doctors come up with the right diagnosis, their doctors tell them they are wrong!


If there are any good doctors out there who actually care about the lives of their patients and can get me some Rituximab, I would be extremely grateful. Must accept Medicare. 

Thank you.

An October 2011 study from Norway suggests that rituximab can help patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. ~ Wikipedia

I do have a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.


I did go see an oral surgeon in New York, on June 16 and 24.

He came in and looked at UConn's occlusal and said "If that is lymphoma, then you will need to see an ENT, because if it is invasive it will spread to the sinuses."

Then he suggested a 3D cone beam scan, which I had done that day, and scheduled a follow-up for the next week.

The next week, I went back and while I was sitting in the room waiting for him with my friend (and witness) Robin Chapman, we saw some images on the computer. There was a big black hole in the lower right jawbone, and a smaller black hole in the lower left jawbone, and the dark area on the occlusal was bright white. I showed Robin and she said, just wait until he comes in and ask him questions.

Well, he came in, turned the images off the computer and said, "I don't see anything that I would biopsy due to risk of infection, but you should go to your dentist and get those crowns off your lower teeth. There is some infection under the crowns. That's all I can suggest."

I asked if we could review the images and he said oh, well there are hundreds of images.

Then I asked, well, what is that lesion in the lower left area under the mandible on UConn's occlusal x-ray.

"Air," he said. 

But I have a gene that predisposes me to lymphoma when exposed to metals. I really think it's bone lymphoma. 

Can't I just pay you money to biopsy the lesion and see if it is air or lymphoma?

He then said, you really need to find someone who is interested in diagnosing and treating bone lymphoma. 

I guess they are just interested in doing implants and surgery there. 

I asked if I could get a copy of everything on CD and he said sure.

So he gave me the disk and when I got home, I downloaded everything onto my reader and all there was were a few poor quality x-rays and about some 2d DICOM images with (No Name) written where my name is supposed to be, but no 3D images and no radiology report.

So I emailed him and told him the CD was useless to me, asked him for my money back, and it was sent straight away:

He had also told me the first day that I was there that his wife was a radiologist and that it is illegal to falsify radiology reports. 

So I guess that's why he didn't write one up.

Here are two DICOM images from the CT (No Name, but same Patient ID # as in letter above, so proof that it is me):

Black holes in bone under crowns. 
Black holes in bone on CT scan are lytic cancer. 

A lot of bone loss (which looked like a big black hole on the 3D CT scan) and some small black holes under previous bridgework. I'm sure that those small black holes were much bigger in 2004, correlating with the 2004 occlusal I had done back then. There is still some bone lymphoma there, but it is much better now and I'm sure that my current symptoms are more related to the newer big lesion, and that in order to relieve these current symptoms I am going to have to start by getting those teeth out. 


Here is a review I posted on June 21, 2015 on Yelp about Canton Valley Dental.

I posted it thinking that because it is a "family dental practice" and because maybe the other members of her family that practice there were never aware of what she did to me, and knowing that my family members would be horrified if I did this to someone else and make me fix my mistake, that her other family members who practice there might try to help me.

I know for a fact they have seen it, because they then tried to bury my negative review with a whopping TEN 5-star reviews on July 1st.

Including this one, which is pretty chilling:

Kim C.
  • Kim C.
  • Holmdel, NJ
  • 0 friends
  • 3 reviews
5.0 star rating
  My family switched to Canton Valley Dental three years ago and could not be more pleased with the work  
 that has been done.  The entire staff is respectful, friendly, and knowledgeable of each case.  They are particularly
great with the little ones as they make the visit fun and comfort them when they are nervous.  Whether it be just a cleaning or crown and bridge 
work, we know we are always in good hands.  We have recommended Canton Valley Dental to our family and friends and they are also satisfied 
with the switch.

And then I got this email from Yelp HQ:

Yelp HQ

Jul 1 (4 days ago)
to me
JUL 01, 2015  |  02:04PM PDT
Hi Dana,

We're writing to let you know about one or more complaints we've heard about your review of Canton Valley Dental.

We recommend that you ensure that your review complies with our Content Guidelines (http://www.yelp.com/guidelines) and Terms of Service (http://www.yelp.com/static?p=tos). Steer clear of exaggeration and embellishment, and don't draw conclusions about the broader business practices of the business you reviewed based on your own experience. Ultimately, your words are your responsibility, and posting false information can have legal ramifications. If you think you need to make changes to your review, you can use the edit function to revise it.

Thanks for helping us keep it real on Yelp.

Yelp Support
San Francisco, California

So I added an update to my 6/21/15 review on July 1st, asking them for an apology and a diagnosis and treatment of those lesions.

Let's see if they reach out and try to help me now.

But that is my story, and I am sticking by it.

I had written a review on Yelp of Theresa Keefe DMD, on 3/24/15, but she still has not responded.

I have literally given her 15 years to fix her mistake. 

I guess I really am delusional if I still can't get it through my thick skull that she really has no capacity for empathy at all. 

I am a hopeless idealist I guess.

And I also wrote a review on Yelp about Leonard Kundel DMD, on 11/11/13, but he has not responded even though he has responded to every other negative review about him. 

I also posted a link to my blog on all three reviews, but Keefe & Kundel complained about that to Yelp as well. I guess Keefe & Kundel they really don't want people to read this blog:

Yelp HQ feedback@yelp.com

Jul 6 (12 days ago)

to me

JUL 07, 2015  |  05:09PM PDT
Hi Dana,

We're writing to you about your reviews on Yelp because some of the content you've posted is promotional (e.g., website links across reviews, asking other users to visit your blog, etc.).

Please amend your reviews so that they don't contain these promotional references. If you're not able to remove them within five business days, we will need to remove your reviews.

Please view our Content Guidelines (http://www.yelp.com/guidelines) for more information, and thanks for helping us keep Yelp fun and useful for everyone!

Yelp Support
San Francisco, California

As you can see here, Keefe and Kundel constantly stalk my blog:

Just a few of the most recent, but I have a whole collection of screen shots.



Very high eosinophils, very low lymphocytes, which is seen in some types of lymphoma (reticulum cell sarcoma).

My rheumatologist said I really need to see a hematologist.

I told him why I can't be seen at St. Francis, because the dentist's husband works there.

Then I asked, what about Hartford Hospital?

And he said, no . . . it's all the same people.

That would explain why this appointment request to an oncologist at Hartford Hospital was ignored:

Dana J Herbert
01/17/2015 11:01 pm
Appointment Request Sent
Your appointment request was delivered. Organization: Connecticut Multispecialty Group Provider: Todd Alekshun, MD Requested Dates: Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri: After 12:00 PM, First Available Reason: Bone lymphoma Patient Comments: Please call 860-459-9151 after 11:00am to schedule. Thank you so much!!

Then he said, what about Yale?

Checked, Zia Rahman is affiliated with Yale.

He also did a residency at MSKCC. 

So I guess they are out too.

I don't know where to go now . . .

What a nightmare. 



Unfortunately my dentist, Dr. Preethi Nair, at Kool Smiles won't take out those teeth now.

I said, "but YOU see lesions . .  ."

"Yes, I do, but I didn't diagnose those lesions", she replied, "I need a diagnosis of those lesions before I can extract those teeth." 

"I can send you to another oral surgeon . . . "

"I can't get a biopsy by a oral surgeon. I've been trying that for years."

Then I need a letter from a medical doctor. 

"Any medical doctor?"


"But it has to contain a biopsy proven diagnosis of those lesions and it has to say that the metals are causing the lesions."

"Why can't I just get them out because they hurt? They hurt. Is there a law that says I need all of that in order to get my teeth extracted?"

"Yes. There is a law."


That doesn't sound like a law designed to protect informed consumers, consumers who know what the signs of oral cancer are.

That sounds like a law designed to protect unscrupulous dentists like Dr. Keefe.

It sounds like the very unethical Dr. Keefe has now gotten to my new dentist. 

Well, there ought to be a law that protects informed consumers. 


So, now I am going through some old MRIs I have. 

This was a second opinion MRI I had done by St. Francis in 2001, after UConn's 2000 and 2001 MRIs. 

Notice the tumor in the lower RIGHT jawbone here (left in picture):

It looks like there is also one in the upper left maxilla.

No wonder I was so sick.

And here is Michael Twohig's report back then:

And once again, for comparison, my MRI from 2013 at St. Francis, showing lesions in right mandible gone since removing Dr. Keefe's bridge and the teeth under it, lesion in upper maxilla gone since removing upper nickel bridge and the teeth under it, but NEW lesion in lower LEFT mandible directly underneath Dr. Keefe's 78% nickel + beryllium crowns:

I guess St. Francis does not diagnose or treat jawbone lymphomas caused by Dr. Keefe's toxic dental metals either.

But . . . I hope that this is PROOF enough for YOU that toxic dental metals like 78% nickel and beryllium really do cause stealth malignancies, aka bone lymphoma, aka CFS.  

I hope you believe my story. 

And I hope you never allow a dentist to use these metals in your mouth.

They are completely incompatible with life.


In the News today: 7/11/15

"There is now a strong case to be made for a larger trial. The belief that [CFS] is all in the mind has been around since the beginning. It's tragic that it might take a study like this to take sufferers seriously."


Update 7/13/15:

I finally told my PCP the whole story today. I showed her the picture of the extraction site that failed to heal, and as soon as she saw it she agreed that I am being blacklisted by all oral surgeons and oncologists. She said that she cannot believe how one woman can be so powerful.

There ought to be a law about blacklisting patients as well.


Update 7/21/15:

I had returned the MRI scans I picked up at UConn back to UConn in 2001, and then picked them back up after I filed suit. So I have all of the scans in my possession.

I went and pulled them out of storage and there are now five films in the jacket. Not the original six.

But look what I found:

You can see tumor in the RIGHT jawbone with inflammation, inflammation in left maxilla under decayed nickel bridge, maxillary sinus thickening in the LEFT maxilla, and inflammation under Dr. Keefe's two nickel crowns placed six months earlier.

No mention of any of these abnormalities in the radiology report, which only states "minimal mucosal thickening in the RIGHT maxillary sinus": 

So what do we CFS suffers do when NO DENTIST or ORAL SURGEON will help us prove that dental alloys do indeed have adverse side effects?

And when there is NO ONCOLOGIST with a clinical or research interest in helping us prove that dental alloys do indeed have adverse side effects?

Should a DENTIST who uses known carcinogens in the mouth be required to diagnosis adverse side effects to their own dental devices, or should the patient be forced to do this on their own, at their own expense (possibly costing them their lives if they do not have the funds to remove the devices and/or no dentist will remove them)? 


"You know that the before medicine became a business, the only rule was helping the patient."
Dr. Cox, Scrubs


UPDATE 7/22/15:

I filed the following complaints with the Attorney General's office:

RE: Dr. Theresa Keefe DMD and Canton Valley Dental:

Regarding Dr. Leonard Kundel, DMD:

RE: UConn Diagnostic Radiology and UConn Oral Surgery:

And this response on July 24, 2015:

As well as this response on July 27, 2015:

UPDATE 8/6/15:

So, on Monday July 20, 2015, my PCP sent all of my abnormal bloodwork, which included very high eosinophils, very low lymphocytes, and slightly elevated WBCs, along with my second opinion MRI reports and "history of ulcers, poor fitting dentures and mixed lytic-sclerotic lesions in my jawbone" to MSKCC. 
Eosinophilia can be caused by a number of conditions. The degree of eosinophilia is rarely helpful for identifying the cause, except at extremes of eosinophil counts (eg, very mild eosinophilia may be associated with asthma or allergic rhinitis; very severe eosinophilia [ie, ≥20,000 eosinophils/microL] is more likely to be caused by a myeloproliferative neoplasm).
Prognosis in low grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma:
Both low absolute lymphocyte count (< 1.0 x 10(9)/l), low serum IgG level (< 10 g/l) and low total immunoglobulins on presentation were significantly associated with short survival.

On Thursday, July 24, 2015, Cheryl from New Patient Registration called me and told me that she gave all of the information to one of their oncologists (she did not give me a name) and "the oncologist said you do not have cancer."

"What? What about the blood work? Those blood abnormalities are seen in some types of lymphoma. My rheumatologist told me I need to see a hematologist right away."

"No, no. You do not need to see an oncological hematologist. You need to see a regular hematologist. A non-oncological hematologist. In your local area."

So . . . it looks like the oncologists at MSKCC don't want to get caught falsifying their records, as falsification of records is a crime in NY, but not in CT. 

On Friday, July 31, I had all of my lower teeth extracted, to get ALL of the metal out of my mouth once and for all.

On Tuesday, August 5, 2015, I took this photo of the extraction sites:

And no surprise . . . there are what appears to be two cancerous lesions under and around the extraction sites where the two 78% nickel plus beryllium crowns were placed by Dr. Tracey Keefe in 2000.

But of course, no oral surgeon is ever going to biopsy these lesions and no oncologist will see me. 

Here is a picture of what oral lymphoma looks like, from a medical website:

Also, from the same website:

Clinical symptoms of manifestations of non-Hodgkin lymphomas at the time of presentation.
SymptomOccurrence in %
Troubles swallowing6

UPDATE 8/6/15:

Went to the dentist today who took the teeth out to have a look at the lesions and he said it is not infection.

I have been taking four Amoxicillin per day since the extractions.

And rinsing my mouth with hydrogen peroxide did not cause any fizz on the lesion, as it would if it were infection.

Yesterday, I started taking DCA again, and it really helped lift the severe fatigue I was feeling, so I took some more today and will finish the antibiotics tomorrow and continue to document any progress in the lesion while on DCA.

This is today's photo. The smaller lesion in the extraction site to the far right has improved after just three doses of DCA (I take it every 12 hours). The larger lesion has gotten bigger, but that is probably inflammation due to the cancer cells being killed off:

My dentist looked very worried. He is not an oral surgeon, so not set up to do biopsies in his office. 

But I assured him that the bone has healed under Dr. Keefe's bridge with carcinogenic post and core over the years, and that maybe these lesions will heal too now that the metals are removed. 

They would definitely heal faster with Rituximab, but Dr. Keefe is in control of who gets treatment for lymphoma in the State of Connecticut, as she is married to Zia Rahman. 

UPDATE 8/7/15

Last day of antibiotics, day 2 on DCA:

The black spot under my tongue is an amalgam tattoo because the dentist who drilled it out did not use any precautions, including a rubber dam. 

UPDATE 8/8/15:

Day 1 off antibiotics, day 3 on DCA:

I think this is why no dentist would extract the teeth . . . they knew I'd see this and take photos. 

I should also mention that the two teeth she crowned, #21 and #22, where done at Dr. Keefe's suggestion (to pay for her 2-story foyer to be painted) and for cosmetic reasons only. 

They were completely healthy teeth in 2000. 

UPDATE 8/9/15:

Not budging . . . 

Dr. Kundel and Dr. Keefe still stalking my blog, but think they are being "hidden" now. Screenshots from today:

And sharing an email I received yesterday (with permission) from a someone who tried to post this comments section of this blog, but can't post to comments for some reason:

  • Saturday
  • Dee A. LaRosh
    8/8, 1:26am
    Dee A. LaRosh

    Dana, Stayed up late last night and read your blog. What can I say but my heart just aches for you. This whole thing has just been so horrific. I want to tell you as a fellow CFS Sufferer, someone who has had a messed up mouth like you have and who has been vigilant at trying to get to the bottom of my health issues that I am so proud of your strength, tenacity, resilience and courage. I also wish to convey my understanding in the area of dealing with these types of individuals as I have been studying these personality disorders for the last 12 years so just about the same time that you have been dealing with all this stuff.
    The frightening thing is that these individuals are now around every corner. Dr. K was text book at every angle. Ego, Entitlement, Elitism, Lying, Dominance, Verbal and Psychological Abuse, illegal behavior , The Narcissistic Glare, Exploitism, Underhandedness, Competitiveness. Falsification and Law breaking. And yes you find these in the upper echelon where they can do the most damage.
    I would say the biggest miracle has come in that she didn't have someone take you out, as they will go to any lengths to win. The only thing then was that she couldn't do it publicly which is what she really craves, so that is why she was willing to invest the money and the time and Hell has no furry like a Narcissist in Court.
    So Dana I want to put my hand over my heart and bow my head and you have just gone through one of the worst battles no only physically but emotionally and spiritually that anyone can go through. I am just so proud of you and that you took one for the team. What you have gone through is going to help so many. I imagine you will never ever know just in what ways and to what lengths.
    As I am here only very infrequently and so it had to happen at just the right time that I logged on to see your post. Like I said I am going through this right now. I have battled debilitating health since 1987. I have actually been ill all my life but the major part of it came on 38 years ago when I was 15 with them then falling into the black hole at 25. This all was chased to the top of the mountain by having 12 mercury fillings put in my Juniour year of High school. The ongoing years brought many more and 11 root canals before it was all over.
    My father passed away from Non Hodgekins Histiocytic Lymphoma my Senior year in HIgh school. Aslo I travel the same artistic path as you do in that I am an artist so we have so many things in common. I want to tell you how amazing your work was on the walls that you did for this doctor..just beautiful !!!!! Superb!!!!!!
    Anyway..My path connecting to your path happened at just the right time as I have just pulled 7 teeth and am slated for 3 more and acquiring you info is better stirring me to pull 4 more and if this is the case it might just push me over to having them all pulled and dentures. So finding your info is an answer to prayer for me for sure as I wish now to go back and see if this Nickle and Burrilium was put into my crowns. I know that many of them were the high nobel. I was not aware that they put in posts and so yes I need to check these things out and can't thank you enough for sharing.
    I also fear after genetic tests that I have EDS or Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and my teeth will likely continue to domino. I as well display on MRIS to have a Chiari 1 Malformation.
    I am just so sorry that you have had to go through all of this. The stress alone I am sure many times put you near death.
    I just have to be the one in a million who tells you just what it means that you took the time and life energy to document and post your photos and experience to your blog for others to read. We can never imagine that someone would harm us in this way but they do. The fact that there were several of these personalities adding and abbeding each other sure was not a surprise. I also would love to know how you were able to survive financially during this time and that would also be helpful to me.
    I just feel like you are a light in the darkness here so thank you again and again. You have brought missing pieces to the puzzel for me.
    Hope we can visit more.

UPDATE 8/22/15:

 Lesion on 8/17/15

Lesion on 8/20/15

It has improved over the course of 3 weeks. Still not completely gone though.

I just had a repeat CBC done due to "eosinophilia" and will post the results of that when they come in to see if my lymphocyte and eosinophil counts have improved.

On July 28, two days before the extractions, I received the following email from Dr. Keefe's attorney:

William Gallitto wgallitto@gmflaw.com

Jul 30
to me
Dear Dana, I hope you remember me, Bill Gallitto.  I represented Tracey Keefe in a lawsuit you brought against her years ago.  I am hopeful that you will be kind enough to give me a call at your convenience so that we can discuss a couple of things that have come up.  I hope this finds you well.  Bill.

William J. Gallito, Esq.
Gordon, Muir and Foley, LLP
10 Columbus Blvd.
Hartford, CT 06106

I called Bill Gallitto, and he asked me to come to his office to "talk" on August 10 at 2pm.

I figured this was going to be about the Yelp Review I posted about Dr. Keefe, as I asked him if he was representing her again, and he said no, but that she had called him a few weeks ago and said "Remember that girl Dana Herbert . . ." and that he felt we should have a talk.

I wondered if Dr. Keefe was going to attempt to sue me for libel but I wasn't really worried about that because I know that the plaintiff has the burden of proof. She would have to prove that that is not cancer in my jawbone in order to prevail and an attorney is not allowed to submit false evidence into trial. 

I was hopeful that maybe she wanted to apologize via her attorney and offer some kind of settlement agreement that would include treatment of these lesions.

When I got there, he showed up to the conference room with a new young female associate. 

He told me that Dana Lee had left the firm several years ago, for personal reasons.

He told me that he remembered me as a very kind and passionate person.

I then showed them the extraction site and white lesion under her dental metals. He didn't know I had planned to get the teeth extracted two days after his email to me.

And then he asked me what I wanted from Dr. Keefe. 

I told him I wanted her, and the entire dental industry (if we all agreed not to sue) to admit that these base alloys they place in our mouths cause cancer, bone lymphomas and CFS, and I want these alloys removed from everyone's mouths, without it having to cost them money out of their own pockets and without them having to go to extremely expensive holistic dentists, for "medical reasons." 

He said, that will never happen. 

Nobody has ever been able to prove that carcinogenic base dental metals cause cancer or CFS. 

He said that there would have to be big clinical trials done to prove it.

Uh huh. As if anyone would sign up for THAT clinical trial.

And if someone were to prove it, I said, it would be like the tobacco lawsuits . . . and all the dentists who ever placed these alloys would be sued (even if we promised not to, we would not be trusted). 

Yes, he replied.

Then he told me that his law firm was the first to sue to tobacco companies, but they lost, just like I did, because they weren't able to get the evidence they needed.

Right, because you filed FIFTEEN motions in limine to get all of my evidence thrown out right before trial. And the case was dismissed without prejudice, on a technicality. I didn't lose. 

Plus, I'm still alive. So she didn't win yet. 

So why would you sue the tobacco companies to help sick people who have been harmed by consumer fraud, but try to suppress evidence that cheap carcinogenic base dental metals are harming uninformed dental consumers now?

You know the truth, I said. Why do you want CFS sufferers to continue to suffer?

Because my job is to protect doctors now, not dental consumers.

And then I asked, so as a dental consumer, I have to PROVE that an ulcer in my jawbone, which Dr. Keefe failed to disclose to me, is cancer before I can stop her from putting a carcinogen in my mouth without my consent? 

Yes, he said. That's the world we live in Dana. At least that's the world I grew up in. 

He looked at his young associate who nodded in agreement.

And that's the way consumer law works?


Oh, please. 

I looked at his associate and said, "You are so young. Is this the world you want to grow up in?" 

She didn't respond. But she did give Bill a little side eye. 

Then Bill said, perhaps some day someone will be able to prove that these dental metals cause cancer, but the science isn't there yet. 

Oh, please.

Science has not been able to prove yet that nickel and beryllium are carcinogens?


Plus, it was an insult to me and all the work I have done to prove it over the last 15 years. 

"Despite the tendency of doctors to call modern medicine an 'inexact science', it is more accurate to say there is practically no science in modern medicine at all. Almost everything doctors do is based on a conjecture, a guess, a clinical impression, a whim, a hope, a wish, an opinion or a belief. In short, everything they do is based on anything but solid scientific evidence. Thus, medicine is not a science at all, but a belief system. Beliefs are held by every religion, including the Religion of Modern Medicine."~ Robert Mendelsohn MD

Then I said, okay, I want Rituximab. She can help me get Rituximab. She is married to an oncologist. 

He said oh, he didn't know that she was married to an oncologist and asked me what Rituximab was.

She never told you that she was married to an oncologist? Now I know you are lying.

I told him that it was a relatively non-toxic chemotherapy that is used to treat lymphoma and is also being used in clinical trials to treat CFS and has had some "miraculous results" but I have not been in those clinical trials, so I need it for lymphoma.

He replied, but nobody has diagnosed you with lymphoma.

But that is what I have. I showed him the lesion in the extraction site again. And I told him that my nasal turbinates are bright, which could be a thin sheet of lymphoma in the nasal turbinates caused by a low volume lymphoma, and that this has been confirmed by a second-opinion radiologist. 

You don't have to do expensive, lengthy clinical trials. Just look a the MRIs of people with CFS to see if the metals are causing lymphomas in their jawbones. 

Has a doctor diagnosed that as lymphoma? he asked.

No. That would be Dr. Keefe's and her husband's job. 

But Dr. Keefe doesn't think you have cancer or lymphoma, he said. (No, she doesn't think it, she knows it.) And she an authority on head and neck lymphomas. 

Uh huh. And an ulcer in the jawbone is not a sign of cancer either?

Why wouldn't she take the bridge out when my jawbone started to swell?

She said she didn't see any swelling. 

Uh huh. 

He went on to tell me that I really need to trust my dentist. That if Dr. Keefe told him not to remove the bridge because there was nothing there, then he would trust her and leave it in. Wouldn't you agree, he asked his new associate. Of course, she replied. 

Trust her? 

She falsified my dental records!!

She is a sociopath. (It didn't faze him at all when I said this). 

Do you know that when I was painting her house, she came home one day and asked me if anyone has ever told me that I look like someone famous? And before I could respond, she gloated that people tell her that she looks like the woman on the TV show "Law & Order" and then she said "and you're going down . . ."

And that before she even saw me as a patient, she told me that only people from "the lowest walks of life" get hematological malignancies. Drug addicts, alcoholics, homosexuals, people with AIDS, etc." And they get what they deserve. 

Who is teaching her this?

Her father (d. 2012)? Who was the Chief of Police in Canton? A Republican. Along with Charles Keefe, the brother and business partner. 

My father was also a police officer (NYPD, d. 1973) and did not think like that at all! But my family is liberal.  And liberal with our kindness and compassion for others. 

Her husband? Who was one of her dental oncology professors at UConn?

Well, it's not illegal to have opinions or to be unethical . . .

From the ADA Code of Ethics (all of which were violated in my care with Dr. Keefe):
Although ethics and the law are closely related, they are not the same. Ethical obligations may—and often do—exceed legal duties. In resolving any ethical problem not explicitly covered by the ADA Code, dentists should consider the ethical principles, the patient's needs and interests, and any applicable laws. 

I think falsifying dental records and withholding a photo of an ulcer in the jawbone with the intent of defrauding a person of their life, is attempted murder. Which would be illegal. 

Torture is also illegal.
"The term "torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind."
At the end of the meeting he asked me if there was anything else I wanted to ask Dr. Keefe.

Why did she withhold that photograph she took of the ulcer in my jawbone from me?

I don't know, he replied. I will ask her for you.


The entire meeting was a waste of my time. 

All it did was convince me even more that Dr. Keefe is a sociopath.

No apologies, no diagnosis . . . just more lies!!

If lymphomas of the head and neck are her area of expertise, then she should know this: 

  • Immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders
    • Lymphomas associated with HIV infection
    • Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD)
    • Lymphoproliferative diseases associated with primary immune disorders
    • Other iatrogenic immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders


    resulting from the activity of a health care provider or institution; said of any adverse condition in a patient resulting from treatment by a physician, nurse, or allied health professional.
    1. Iatrogenesis (from the Greek for "brought forth by the healer") refers to any effect on a person, resulting from any activity of one or more persons acting as healthcare professionals or promoting products or services as beneficial to health, that does not support a goal of the person affected.

"Ever try to get iatrogenic injuries diagnosed and treated? Good luck." ~ Blacklisting Patients


When I got home, I saw that Dr. Keefe had posted a fake positive review to her Yelp account under the name "Erin P." on August 10, while I was in the meeting with her attorney.

Because the review said "As someone in the dental industry . . . " I flagged it as being from an unreliable source and basically a peer review, because it was written by a business associate.

Peer review is how the medical and communities get away with bad behavior because they all cover for each other. 

I then received this reply from Yelp on August 18:

Yelp HQ no-reply@yelp.com

Aug 18 (5 days ago)
to no-reply

We're writing to let you know that we've evaluated Erin P.'s review of Keefe Theresa DMD that you recently flagged. After assessing the review carefully against our Content Guidelines, we agree that this review should be removed.

We rely on community engagement to help keep Yelp useful. Thanks so much for taking the time to bring this matter to our attention!

-The Yelp Support Team

She immediately reposted it that day, taking out the words "As someone in the dental industry . . . "

5.0 star rating
Our family loves Dr Tracey. When my young son had a toothache she got him right in and treated him so kindly. He was nervous and she was excellent with him.

Since then I've sent my entire family to Dr Tracey. Including my parents. Everyone has been very pleased with her level of skill. My older son just completed his orthodontic treatment at this office and his teeth look great.

Dr Tracey Keefe is top notch. All of my visits with her are wonderful. She's knowledgeable and has impeccable skills. She talked me through the entire procedure and but my mind at ease.

I highly recommend Dr Tracey Keefe for all your dental needs, especially if you have anxiety about treatment.

I again flagged it for Yelp, but have not received a response yet.

I have a feeling that her attorney is threatening Yelp with a lawsuit, as Yelp has also been on this blog, and has downloaded all of my evidence.

Periodically doctors, dentists and other providers threaten or even file lawsuits against people who post negative reviews on Yelp or against Yelp itself. Their track record is poor: Courts have ruled in favor of the company and various consumers.
"People put a lot of trust into their health care providers, and if my review could help others make an informed decision regarding their treatment, then it was worth it."

She also posted this review on her Vitals page, on August 17th:

 ***** Coward 
Aug 17th, 2015
very gentle and fast. Got the job done and painless!

Three more lies by Dr. Keefe. 

She may have "got the job done" but it was very torturous, slow and a very painful 15 years for me. 

And only a sociopath would think that the public would be stupid enough not to see that she is trying to manipulate her public ratings and trying to manipulate them into trusting her. 

Also, interesting that Dr. Keefe uses the past tense in her review of herself: "Got the job done and painless!"

How words give them awayTo examine the emotional content of the murderers' speech, Hancock and his colleagues looked at a number of factors, including how frequently they described their crimes using the past tense. The use of the past tense can be an indicator of psychological detachment, and the researchers found that the psychopaths used it more than the present tense when compared with the nonpsychopaths. 


“Why is it so shocking that doctors are just as prone to sociopathy and criminality as any other group in which vulnerable people are forced to place their trust?” wrote Dr. Munita Singh. “Perhaps the era of protecting the ‘profession's reputation' is over. After all, doctors are now being rated alongside restaurant food on marketing apps.” - Los Angeles Times, August 23, 2015


UPDATE 08/26/15:

Email from Yelp today:

Yelp HQ no-reply@yelp.com

12:54 PM (11 hours ago)
to no-reply

We're writing to let you know that we've evaluated Erin P.'s review of Keefe Theresa DMD that you recently flagged. After assessing the review carefully against our Content Guidelines, we agree that this review should be removed.

We rely on community engagement to help keep Yelp useful. Thanks so much for taking the time to bring this matter to our attention!

-The Yelp Support Team

UPDATE 09/02/15:

Still waiting for Dr. Keefe to answer my question: Why did she withhold that photograph she took of the ulcer in my jawbone from me?

Dr. Keefe just clicked "helpful" on her two Vitals self-reviews (under the pseudo names "Coward" and "MaryAnn"), twice

Probably she and her husband (someone from St. Francis was on my blog today):

Eosinophilia is gone (I had to re-up my dose of prednisone to 10mg per day as the eosinophilia occurred while I was attempting to lower my dose down to 5mg per day), but lymphocytes are still dropping (could also be from increasing prednisone back up to 10mg per day). This bloodwork was ordered by a St. Francis doctor, and St. Francis has not called me in to see a hematologist:

Maybe they'll call tomorrow.

Yeah, right.

I am feeling a little bit better, despite the really bad bloodwork and prognostic meaning of low lymphocytes in lymphoma.

However,  I have a very, very long way to go . . . 

Low lymphocytes and high neutrophils are seen in Chronic Fatigue patients. 

UPDATE 9/11/15:

I received this letter today from the Connecticut State Department of Health:

This letter basically means that NOTHING will happen, as UConn is a State Hospital and all doctors employed there are State Employees. 

Dr. Douglas Fellows is the 2nd highest paid State Employee after the UConn Huskies Basketball Coach. He is FAR more powerful than any employee at the DPH. 

UPDATE 10/20/15

Two and half months post extraction.

Lymphocytes now normal.

But RBC and hemoglobin a little low.

And Neutrophils still high.

Will be adding frankincense (boswellia sacra from Oman), myrrh and lemongrass essential oils, and Budwig diet to my healing protocol.

I did Budwig many years ago for the first lesion, and blogged about it.

I don't feel like I am dying anymore, like I did this entire past year.

But I am still sleeping and napping a lot and I will always have respiratory issues due to the beryllium or splenic granuloma in my lung.

I still have migraines, though haven't had as many this past month, and the only thing that makes them go away is Prednisone.

I don't know if the nightmares will ever go away. I literally wake up every day between 10am and noon, fresh out of a nightmare, and filled with a sense of dread.

I spend most of my days just trying to pull myself out of these morning depressions.

My rheumatogologist will be monitoring my bloodwork every three months.

Bone marrow disorders/cancers take a lot longer to heal than other cancers with natural methods.
At least a year.

But I got ALL the metal out now, once and for all.

ANA titer now negative with all the metals out.
I read somewhere that autoimmune disease is just the body trying to fight off cancer.
I think it was in Scientific American.
I will post the article when I find it. 

Ah, here it is, in The Scientist Magazine: 

"Autoimmune disease may represent collateral damage from the body’s fight against developing cancers."

Body, Heal Thyself

So, there you go. No more carcinogens in my mouth means a negative ANA titer.

It doesn't mean the cancer is gone. It just means that it is no longer "developing." I've identified and removed the cause, so now I can reverse it. 

There is still much work to do. 

Burton Goldberg, in a letter to Steve Jobs' son writes: "Dental issues such as misaligned teeth, dental fillings, cavitations, and root canals can all play a significant role here. In fact, research has shown that as much as 50% of the reversal of cancer has to do with the oral cavity, while German research has found dental factors to be involved in 95% of all breast cancer cases."

I think a follow-up MRI at this point is not going to show any changes.

I will get a follow-up MRI next Christmas.

Off for a nap and nightmare now . . .


UPDATE 10/30/15:

Panorex taken yesterday, showing radiolucent lesions in the the extraction sites of teeth #21 and #22, which were crowned by Dr. Keefe with 78% nickel + beryllium alloys in 2000. 

Also, small radiolucency in upper left maxilla. You can see why I have a hard time breathing out of my left nostril. I am always trying to tell my neurologist (at St. Francis Hospital) that my migraines come from the exact same location of that lesion in my maxilla, and go up my nose, to right between my eyes.

And he always just looks at me as if I am nuts. 
As if he doesn't believe me. 


Here is why putting toxic metals in or on a tooth pretty much destroys the tooth and it has to be pulled:

Absorption of Nickel, Chromium, and Iron by the Root Surface of Primary Molars Covered with Stainless Steel Crowns

Results. Higher amounts of nickel, chromium, and iron (5-6 times) were found in the cementum of molars covered with stainless-steel crowns compared to intact molars. The differences between groups were highly significant (P < .001). Significance. Stainless-steel crowns release nickel, chromium, and iron in oral environment, and the ions are absorbed by the primary molars roots. The additional burden of allergenic metals should be reduced if possible.


December 14, 2015:

Review on Google Business Reviews for Theresa Keefe, DMD, written by Dr. Keefe's son (now an adult).

Apparently gaslighting is a heritable trait . . . 


  1. a blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer's family.

Let's hope that truth (and justice) prevails in this case.

This was a quiz question in my Intro to the Science of Cancer course at Ohio State University:

We were taught that nickel causes lung and head and neck cancers.

That is the truth.

And here is some more truth:
(My peer reviewed final project for this class)

UPDATE 03/09/16:

Looks like I'm not the only one who has an issue with Canton Valley Dental.

I have no idea who Debbie P. is.

But I do hope that more people come out and tell the truth about this dental practice.

And don't forget: OJ Simpson was not a bad football player either.


Final Grade: 100%

UPDATE February 24, 2017: 

Dr. Douglas Fellows and Dr. Erin Rowe, the two radiologists who falsified my MRI report, are NO LONGER EMPLOYED in or by the State of Connecticut.

Interestly, Dr. Fellows had previously served on the State of Connecticut Medical Examining Board

Dr. Song and the UConn School of Dental Medicine, however, walk due to this report by the CT State Department of Public Health's dental expert Elie Ferneini, DMD, MD:

Re: Petition 2015–947
1) Amalgam and Cancer Risk: According to the ADA as well as the American Cancer Society, amalgam is safe for dental fillings. We did have a document called Biological Dentistry on our site that discussed the studies and science around mercury fillings, which states that there was no good evidence that dental amalgams caused health problems in most people. It cited studies that found no link between mercury-containing fillings and the development of cancer or other diseases.  
2. Nickel and Cancer Risk: Nickel or cobalt-chrome alloys are mixtures of nickel and chromium that are used for crowns and fixed bridges. Nickel alloys used in dentistry are not currently classifed as carcinogens. Multiple studies have shown the safety of dental nickel. Setco et al concluded that "subject to use according to established techniques, nickel-containing dental alloys do not pose a risk to patients or members of the dental team. 
Based on the above data and after reviewing all the documents, Dr. Song and UConn School of Dental Medicine did not deviate from the standard of care. Petitioner reports multiple mandibular lesions which are actually metallic object scatter and are not pathology. 

His Facebook page states that he previously worked at the University of Connecticut Health Center.

I had requested that this case not be sent to a Connecticut based dentist or oral surgeon because they are all affiliated with UConn here. 

The investigator assured me that she had sent the case to an oral surgeon not affiliated with UConn.

The CT Department of Public Health would not allow me to make a copy of this report, but did allow me view the record and make copies in my notes. Anyone can make an appointment to view the file (Re: Petition 2015–947), however they will not allow anyone to make copies. 

I was informed by the head investigator that Elie Ferneini's statement was only opinion and not necessarily fact.

Also, Dr. Ferneini is not a radiologist, which requires four more years of school after becoming an MD.


Interesting fact: Did you know that most (63%) dentists and almost all (78%) oral surgeons are Republican? Source: Democratic vs. Republican Occupations

I'm pretty sure this means that change in this industry will be very difficult to achieve.