Amazing no cost way to radically reduce your risk of cancer and even treat most cancers. Vitamin D from the sun can literally save your life:
Video Update:
I lie out in the sun for an hour every single day of the year that it is sunny and over 50 degrees. In the winter time, a tanning bed will also keep your vitamin D levels up in the normal range.
Sign up for Dr. Mercola's free newsletter here.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Health Care: A Deadly Cancer, A Winning Fight
Naturopathy gives this 35 year old Seattle man a second chance at life:

The paramedics wheeled him in on a stretcher, weak, pale and barely alive.
After five months, the most evil of all cancers was about to declare victory. His pancreas was riddled with the disease, and tumors had spread to the liver and other surrounding organs.Read the full story, and why naturopathy is becoming the wave of the future and a more comprehensive way of treating cancer, here.
His doctor predicted he would be dead within weeks.
Aaron Barrett, just 35 years old, sought one last treatment. The paramedics deposited Barrett's thin body into a bed at the Seattle Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center. There, his new treatment began.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Consumer Activism: Seafood Mercury Warning

Seafood Mercury Warning (comic) - Commentary by Mike Adams
Learn More:
See the video! Smoking Teeth = Poison Gas, at
See Pat Sullivan and Jigsaw Health at
Also visit
Please . . . . boycott dentists who still place mercury and other known toxins and carcinogens (i.e., nickel, beryllium, aluminum, root canals) in our mouths! There are much safer alternatives available, but you must ask for them. So please do your research and don't get scammed.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Health Care: Unraveling The Cancer-Poverty Connection

(CBS) As the chief surgical resident at the prestigious Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, Dr. Harold Freeman could have written his own ticket, CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric reports. Instead, he decided to set up shop at Harlem Hospital in 1967.
"It was a very big shock for me," he said, because all of his training was suddenly useless for so many of his cancer patients. It was simply too late.
"Half of the women at Harlem Hospital were incurable when they walked into the doors of the hospital," Freeman says. "The thing they had in common was that they were poor."
It was then that he began to try to unravel the connection between cancer, race and poverty.
"Poverty should not be an offense that is punishable by death."
Read the entire story here.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Consumer Activism: GREEN KIDS Video - Vote!

"A family effort spearheaded by our six children to promote green living, the film is a demonstration of our dedication to teaching our friends, our children and their friends and families simple immediate steps that can be implemented just by remembering them at that crucial decision making point: paper or plastic, discard or recycle, gas or biofuel, organics or healthcare...."
Click here to view and vote for GREEN KIDS: CONSCIOUS CONSUMERISM
And remember: buying power is powerful!
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Friday, March 2, 2007
Consumer Activism: For Want Of A Dentist

Sadly, Deamonte died of a tooth infection that had spread to his brain on Sunday.
A routine, $80 tooth extraction might have saved him.
But $250,000 in emergency medical treatments could not.
Was Mahatma Gandhi right when he said "I have endeavored to show that there is no real service of humanity in the profes$ion [of medicine] and that it is injurious to mankind"?
Do you think that more dentists should be required to accept Medicaid and provide care to poor children?
Click here to vote YES: It is shameful that a child in the U.S. could die from something as easily treatable as a tooth infection.
Source: The Washington Post, February 28, 2007
Read the Post story here.
Letters to the Editor:
Killed by a Cavity
Saturday, March 3, 2007; A14
Every lawmaker on Capitol Hill should read "For Want of a Dentist; Pr. George's Boy Dies After Bacteria From Tooth Spread to Brain" [Metro, Feb. 28]. Every state legislator and governor should read it. President Bush should read it. There is no excuse for such a heartbreaking waste of life -- especially in a country as wealthy as ours.
In addition, institutions including schools, community centers and houses of worship should be teaching community members to brush their teeth every day and to avoid sugary drinks and candies. One does not need special training to teach those practices, and they would make a significant difference to everyone's health.
Silver Spring
As a father and a dentist, I was greatly saddened by the death of Deamonte Driver. In my mind the problem starts with education. The public simply doesn't understand the seriousness of dental disease, especially in children. The general feeling seems to be "it's just a baby tooth." As this story showed, dental disease can kill..
Dental decay is an infectious disease that starts small and, left unchecked, can penetrate a tooth's nerve chamber. Once the nerve is infected, the infection is free to move throughout the body.
Dentists Who Care
Edna, Tex.
In my opinion . . . it is the dental profes$ion that must change.
Not the amount of taxpayer or government spending.
Refusing to accept Medicaid insurance is a form of health care discrimination and should be illegal. Health care discimination kills. We can all, as health care consumers and taxpayers refuse to support these ruthless business people (a fact, not opinion) and bigoted killers (a fact, not opinion) - our so called health care providers - by spending our money and handing over our insurance cards only to dentists who accept our tax dollars (Medicaid) and/or help the poor and who are 100% human.
When you support dentists who discriminate, you support discrimination.
Please . . . boycott dentists who discriminate against Medicaid children!
Read "Deamonte Didn't Have to Die" by Cato@Liberty here.
COMMENTS from Karmabanque Radio here.
Read <great blog> "Our Brave and Uninsured Kossacks Inspire Awe" by Daily Kos here.
Read "The Next Battle: Medicaid" by Daily Kos here.
Read "AfFRAUDable Healthcare" by Daily Kos here.
An excellent (although unlikely) solution: Read "Healthcare Economics: Diseases Are Too Profitable to Prevent or Cure" by Mike Adams here.
Read "Health Care Reform Legislation That Congress Should Pass, But Won't" by Mike Adams here.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Green Living: Personal Care Products May Contain Cancer Causing Chemicals

"Fragrance" can actually include complex mixtures of hundreds of chemicals - some of which have been linked to allergies, skin reactions, endocrine and hormone disruption, and possibly even birth defects.
Companies are not required to test cosmetics for safety before they are sold, and the FDA does not systematically review the safety of fragrances. Instead, the fragrance industry regulates itself, a practice that has led to widespread use of chemicals that can cause health problems, including:
* Phthalates: These plasticizing ingredients have been linked to birth defects in the reproductive system of boys and lower sperm-motility in adult men, among other problems. Phthalates were present in nearly three-quarters of 72 products tested by the Environmental Working Group, although the word "phthalate" never appeared on any label.
* Musks: Artificial musks accumulate in the body, and have been linked to skin irritation, hormone disruption, and cancer in laboratory studies.
* Allergic reactions: Fragrances are among the top five known allergens, and can cause asthma and trigger asthma attacks.
The solution? Choose fragrance-free all-natural cosmetics.
I use Jason Natural Cosmetics.
Environmental Working Group
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