The following can be viewed on any high-speed computer anywhere or on TV in Manhattan:
This Wednesday (tomorrow), April 23 at 7:30 PM, on my shoestring cable show Famousx2, I am re-airing the first of three half-hour programs of interviews I did in 1997 with Lloyd McNeill, Jazz and classical flutist, Painter, student of Picasso and Eric Dolphy, teacher raconteur and...renaissance man.
In this installment, in addition to some shots of Lloyd jamming and talking in Washington Square Park (a place you all should remember despite the travesty occurring there now), I interview him in his studio about his childhood in segregated Washington D.C. (under which system he believes he received a superior education) of the 30s, 40s and 50s. He then discusses his years as a conga and bongo player with the D.C. Latin bands of the 50s, including Maria Rodriguez and Rolando Cave. Next, he tells of how he was introduced to the flute and later to Eric Dolphy; Lloyd was the only student Dolphy ever had as the latter died a year after Lloyd studied with him. Finally, he explains what Doplhy taught him about music and explains what he meant when he told him "No note is the wrong note."
If you are in Manhattan and have access to Time Warner, you can see it this Wednesday at 7:30 pm (DST-that's NYC Daylight Savings Time) on channel 67. On the RCN system,
that should be Channel 85 or thereabouts these days.
Note to techie curmudgeons: The sound quality and lighting are good on this one....:)
If you are outside of Manhattan, anywhere in the world, and you have high-speed connection on your computer, you can go to mmn.org and click on channel 67 to see it at the same time.
Sometimes MNN does screw up broadcasts, but usually they air things without too many problems.....so be patient.....
Jason Howard