Activists Shake Up Capitol With Sit-Ins For Health Care
On one of the busiest days of the year at the state Capitol, 22 demonstrators were arrested Friday as they called for universal health care and a single-payer health system.
The activists were taken into custody at various locations throughout the building, prompting the heaviest police presence at the Capitol this year.
The activists noted that Governor Jodi Rell has not embraced universal health care as a way to provide coverage for an estimated 400,000 uninsured.
"We have to get universal health care," said Brian Petronella, who was among those arrested.
I wish I had been invited to this . . . damn.
What would your health care providers say about this?
I wonder how many of them think like this? :
"There is no right to benefits or a right to health care," Senate Republican Minority Leader Louis C. DeLuca once said after an anti-Walmart demonstration in Connecticut. "We have what is called the free enterprise system in this country. People are not forced to work for anybody."Sadly, many health care professionals actually feel this way too.
But what about the people who can't work at all because they are too ill? How do they survive in this 'free enterprise system'?
I say health care for everyone in Connecticut . . . click here.
if you had gone though, who would have come to bail you out? ;)
and re: the republican bonehead . . . even the Economist magazine said the US health care system is broken and that they should replace it with universal health care; they had a whole special about health care systems around the world and I urge all americans to read it
also, harvard university's study on the US health care system last year found that most people would be better off NOT buying health insurance as most policies don't actually end up covering the expenses you assume will be covered; they reckon a family is often better off putting the 10,000 annual insurance payments in a savings account and then using that cash if illness strikes . . . that's how bad the health insurance (sic) industry is
Stacy, I am going tomorrow night as they are holding a vigil until midnight tomorrow night. So, you never know....but I will bring my camera and try to get pictures! And the Republican bonehead pled guilty to a crime involving organized crime in the Waterbury Superior Court yesterday. I wonder if he would change his tune if HE got really sick and HIS insurance wouldn't cover the cost of treating him or his doctor or dentist or any other member of the medical mafia (i.e., public health department) read about his arrest in the paper and decided they didn't like him and didn't want him to live any longer.
You are so brave, Dana!
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