My two favorite sandwiches in the world are avocado and/or tomato sandwiches on sprouted bread with cayenne pepper, salt and pepper, and a little bit of spicy mustard.
I crave avocados.
Now researchers are saying that nutrients found in avocados may help combat oral cancer:
Avocados Linked to Cutting Oral Cancer
Avocados Prove Fruitful in Fighting Oral Cancer
Avocados and Cancer: Fiber, Potassium, Vitamin E, Magnesium
10 Health Benefits of Avocados
Avocados also contain glutathione, an important antioxidant for preventing cancer.
And did you know that an avocado is a fruit and not a vegetable?
Also, I think I may have just finally found the right dentist for me. A dentist who just told me that he eats about six avocados a day. He was eating avocado when I walked into his office. How cool is that?
He doesn't use nickel.
And my first visit with him was only $45 . . . . wholly guacamole!
Now that's what I'm talking about.
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