THE ORACLE January 23 2009 with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert
Guests are : Sameh El Shahat and Matthew Curtin
Subjects are : Banks problems of Citigroup, Bank of America, Barclays, Royal Bank of Scotland, Northern Rock, Gordon Brown blames the foreigners; Jim Rogers says UK pound is doomed; Greek riots; Marcus Schrenker captured faked his own death; SPAM sales are up big time; President Barack Obama; run on the British pound by April 2009 and the euro by December 2009
The missing prediction from Episode Three:
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Village Interviews: Adele Mailer, Episode Two

at 7:30 PM
MNN, Channel 67
Dear Friends:
Since everyone else is capitalizing on the death of Norman Mailer, whom I finally had a chance to meet formally last year, I too will take a stab at him (figuratively speaking, of course).
This Wednesday, January 28th, at 7:30 PM, on my shoestring cable show Famousx2, on Channel 67, I am re-airing the second of three half-hour programs of interviews I did with Adele Mailer, actress and former wife of Norman Mailer, in 1997.
Adele is, unfortunately, best known for having been stabbed by Norman. However, she is more than that. Originally of Bay Ridge and of Peruvian/Spanish ancestry, Adele Morales Mailer stunned her family by moving to the Village in the mid-40s, where she had affairs with Village Voice founder Ed Fancher, Jack Kerouac and Phillip Roth. Then came Mailer.
This program is one of my all time favorites, one in which everything I was recording unfolded perfectly. It begins with her in front of the the site of the cold-water flat where she lived on 16th Street the night she got a call late at night from another Voice founder, Dan Wolf, who put her on the phone with Mailer, who insisted on meeting her immediately. She tells the story of their meeting and sleeping together the first night they met.
Then we move to the site of where she lived on 2nd Avenue and Houston Street, coincidentally the same building where I had house sat one summer in the 80s, and where Kenneth Koch lived downstairs from them at the time. Adele talks about Norman's illegally tearing down a wall of the apartment. We run into the super of the building, whom I remembered from my stay, who, it turns out, was a drinking buddy of Norman's in the70s.
Then we move to the site on Perry Street of where Adele and Norman lived in the late 50s, when his drug taking and drinking got the better of him. While we are in front of the house, the couple who lived there in 97 emerge and invite us into the apartment, where Adele remembers parties, some very wild, and other events that took place there. Again, coincidentally, it turns out the couple are good friends of Adele's first lover, Ed Fancher.
Finally, Adele talks about her mixed feelings about Norman Mailer, the man she lived with for ten years, and the man who fathered her two children and the man who nearly killed her by stabbing her in a drug/alcohol infused rage. Though she is resentful of him for many things, she admits that she learned a lot from him and that a part of her still loves him.
This is a great interview with a fascinating and engaging woman. Don't miss it! If you are in Manhattan and have access to Time Warner, you can see it this Wednesday January 28th, at7:30 pm (EST-that's NYC Eastern Standard Time) on channel 67. On the RCN system, that should be in channel 85. If you are outside of Manhattan, anywhere in the world, and you have a good high-speed connection on your computer, you can go to MNN and click on channel 67 to see it at the same time. Sometimes MNN does screw up broadcasts, but usually they air things without too many be patient.
Jason Howard
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Lunch in the City

Spinach and shitake mushrooms increase white blood cell counts.
as he tries to swipe the contact data off the Blackberry of a Newsweek journalist
when she went to use the Ladie's Room.
Billy is now running for Mayor of NYC!
Friday, January 23, 2009
A Trip to The Yippie Museum in Greenwich Village
Randy at The Huffington Post
Marijuana Does Not Cause Lung Cancer, It Prevents It
(I don't use marijuana - it makes me paranoid-
but if it helps some people, I am all for it)
25 Reasons to Legalize Drugs
Celebrity Stoners
Steal This Book (online) by Abbie Hoffman
Yippie Manifesto (1968):
#17: A program that encourages and promotes the arts. However, we feel that if the free society we envision were to be fought for and achieved, all of us would actualize the creativity within us. In a very real sense we would have a society in which every man would be an artist.
The Yippie Museum opened in January 2007 with revolutionary poet and counterculture icon John Sinclair and friends playing music and reading their work. Dedicated to the history of the Yippies - the Youth International Party - and the political counterculture, the museum and cafe is open to the public and hosts book parties, poetry readings, film festivals and video screenings and has live music - jazz, folk, blues - on weekends.
Monday, January 19, 2009
The Oracle with Max Keiser: Episode 2
THE ORACLE: January 16th 2009 with Max Keiser and the
~ Goddess of the News ~ Stacy Herbert.
GUESTS: Ullrich Fichtner , Nigel Eccles, Carrie Quinlan and Alec Baldwin.
SUBJECTS: What free spending and credit addicted economies like the US and UK can learn from the more prudent Germans, and what difference an Obama presidency might make?
Read the comments here. . . .
And see how Max's ratings go up when he gives my sister more air time.
~ Goddess of the News ~ Stacy Herbert.
GUESTS: Ullrich Fichtner , Nigel Eccles, Carrie Quinlan and Alec Baldwin.
SUBJECTS: What free spending and credit addicted economies like the US and UK can learn from the more prudent Germans, and what difference an Obama presidency might make?
Read the comments here. . . .
And see how Max's ratings go up when he gives my sister more air time.
Friday, January 16, 2009
My Anti-Cancer Treatments: Green Juice
Green juices are very alkalizing and contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
Six Reasons to Drink Green Juice Every Day
Broccoli Juice Helps Patient Beat Bladder Cancer
Asparagus Defense Against Cancer
Pros and Cons of Juicing to Rid Cancer
On Juicing as a Cancer Cure
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The Oracle with Max Keiser: Episode One
The first episode of The Oracle with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert which aired on BBC World News on 9 January 2009.
Guests: Jacques Attali and Carrie Quinlan
Topics: Recession or Depression? The global financial crisis. The low wages that caused the crisis.
Guests: Jacques Attali and Carrie Quinlan
Topics: Recession or Depression? The global financial crisis. The low wages that caused the crisis.
Friday, January 9, 2009
A Few Things You Should Know About Cholesterol
If you or someone you know is on statin drugs or god forbid a doctor is recommending your child take statins it's possible you haven't gotten the whole story. Here is some alternative info on cholesterol.
Chris Masterjohn is completing his PhD in Nutritional Sciences with a concentration in Biochemical and Molecular Nutrition at the University of Connecticut, a frequent research and content contributor to the Weston A Price Foundation and is the creator of the website: Cholesterol and Health
About Chris Masterjohn: Click on the link at the bottom right corner under ABOUT ME to read about Chris' experiences with veganism and vegetarianism.
Jerry Brunetti is an agronomist, eco agriculture consultant and frequent lecturer on nutrition and cancer treatment. Over 9 years ago he received word that without chemotherapy treatment he would be dead in as little as six months from advanced non-Hodgkins lymphoma. He opted not to travel that route and instead embarked on his own journey seeking advice, treatments, alternative protocols and hands-on care from a wide variety of sources. The result has been depth of understanding that is almost beyond compare, steady improvement in his own overall health and nothing short of a miraculous remission.
His website is: Agri-Dynamics
Jerry tells us that you cannot make vitamin D through your skin without cholesterol.
Hmm. When my vitamin D levels were very low (11 ng/mL), my total cholesterol was also very low at 119.
Statins, Low Cholesterol and Cancer
Cholesterol Plays Cancer-Prevention Role at Cellular Level
The Truth About Cholesterol and Fat
Serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and risk of non-hodgkin lymphoma: High HDL-C was associated with lower risk of all NHL.
Monday, January 5, 2009
The Oracle with Max Keiser - BBC World News Promo
Max (and my sister Stacy) . . . .
Series airs on January 9th.
Max Makes the Front Page of the BBC World News:
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