Vitamin D and Cancer Research
Goodbye Cancer, Hello Sun Exposure

I wanted to buy this, but it was $2,600. Ouch.
I've already spent more than I can ever afford
on just getting RID of the mercury in my mouth!

while trying to not breathe in any dust from the nearby beryllium!
wow it looks awesome! how beautiful and the food looks excellent too! i'm impressed . . . missing it?
New Hampshire is a BEAUTIFUL State!
The food was the best I could do, not all raw or alkaline, but proof that you CAN eat healthy on vacation. As soon as I got home, I went shopping for my raw alkaline organics to re-stock my fridge.
I found so many quaint little stores and have lots of inspiration for The Green Room now.
Wow, thanks for the great pics. NH is much more beautiful than I remember it (I spent time at Kittery, ME and Postsmouth, NH when my suibmarine was in the yards back in 1980.)
Hey Bob, good to see you back on my blog!
Maybe you just looked at the world a little differently in 1980?
Did you confront your shadow self back then? Lol.
What a fun trip. I love the Red Barn!
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