Photo by Nicole Bengaveno
February 11th at 7:30 PM
MNN.ORG (click on channel 67)
Dear Friends :
This Wednesday, February 11th at 7:30 PM, on my little cable show Famousx2 on Channel 67, I am re-airing the first of three half-hour programs of interviews I did with Adele Mailer, actress and former wife of Norman Mailer in 1997. Adele is, unfortunately, best known for having been stabbed by Norman. However, she is more than that. Born and raised in a Spanish-Peruvian household in Bay Ridge, she grew up rooting for the loyalists in Spain and attending union and leftist meetings with her dad.Then, in the 1940s, she came to the Village to take classes with Margaret Mead and others at the New School and to Study painting with Hans Hoffman on 8th Street. She became romantically involved with Ed Fancher, who would later go on to found the Village Voice and with Jack Kerouac before he was well-known. You will hear her tell her stories about all of this, Neal Cassady and more. She is an engaging and animated person worth tuning in to.
If you are in Manhattan and have access to Time Warner, you can see it this Wednesday February 11th at 7:30 pm (EST-that's NYC Eastern Standard Time) on channel 67. On the RCN system, that should be on channel 85. If you are outside of Manhattan, anywhere in the world, and you have a good high-speed connection on your computer, you can go to MNN.ORG and click on channel 67 to see it at the same time. Sometimes MNN does screw up broadcasts, but usually they air things without too many problems.....so be patient.
Jason Howard
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